The only Legion content this week was Booster Gold's flight ring in BOOSTER GOLD #15 (2/09).
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Week of 10 December 2008
(SPOILER ALERT: This post contains spoilers. Don't read it before you've read the comic.)
ACTION #872 (2/09)
"New Krypton Part Seven: Brainiac Lives"
ROLL CALL (Lightning Saga Legion): Tellus
Told you to watch the Superman Family titles.
Tellus is in one panel on the next-to-last page of the story.
In addition, Brainiac's store of miniaturized cities includes "all that's left of planets like Braal, Winath, and Tharr."
Also, when Alura mentions the Phantom Zone projector, Superman says, "I won't let my enemies interact with Zod or worse -- Mon-El or Chris." Too late...they're already interacting with Mon-El.
ACTION #872 (2/09)
"New Krypton Part Seven: Brainiac Lives"
ROLL CALL (Lightning Saga Legion): Tellus
Told you to watch the Superman Family titles.
Tellus is in one panel on the next-to-last page of the story.
In addition, Brainiac's store of miniaturized cities includes "all that's left of planets like Braal, Winath, and Tharr."
Also, when Alura mentions the Phantom Zone projector, Superman says, "I won't let my enemies interact with Zod or worse -- Mon-El or Chris." Too late...they're already interacting with Mon-El.
Week of 3 December 2008
(SPOILER ALERT: This post contains spoilers. Don't read it before you've read the comic.)
"One World Under Gog Part VI: Saints and Sinners"
ROLL CALL (Lightning Saga Legion): Starman/Star Boy
Thom participates in an assault on Gog, and as a result has his sanity unrestored: "Thom Kallor - No medicine from any century will ever cure your insanity." Thom responds, "Which way to the funeral? Please! The twins needed help! Then there was one!"
Next month the "One World Under Gog" story line concludes -- but I doubt it will be the conclusion of Thom's story.
"One World Under Gog Part VI: Saints and Sinners"
ROLL CALL (Lightning Saga Legion): Starman/Star Boy
Thom participates in an assault on Gog, and as a result has his sanity unrestored: "Thom Kallor - No medicine from any century will ever cure your insanity." Thom responds, "Which way to the funeral? Please! The twins needed help! Then there was one!"
Next month the "One World Under Gog" story line concludes -- but I doubt it will be the conclusion of Thom's story.
Late addition to Week of 26 November 2008
I've added SUPERMAN #682 to the entry for the week of 26 November 2008.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Week of 26 November 2008
(SPOILER ALERT: This post contains spoilers. Don't read it before you've read the comics.)
(No title)
ROLL CALL (Lightning Saga Legion): Starman/Star Boy
Thom takes leave from the JSA and gets a job as a gravedigger in Metropolis. He is on a secret mission, and he says, "If I don't succeed, there might not be a 31st century for me to get back to."
So what's up? The clear implication is that Thom is supposed to dig up someone's grave. But whose?
It's logicl to assume that all this has something to do with the lightning rod that Brainiac 5 still has in the future. The leading candidates seem to be Connor Kent, Bart Allen, and Barry Allen. Of the three, I'm guessing Barry. The Legion could resurrect him in the 31st century, then send him back in time so he appears right at the beginning of Final Crisis.
"The Edge of Doom: Enemy Manifest Part 3"
ROLL CALL (Teenage Revolution Legion): Atom Girl, Brainiac 5, Chameleon, Colossal Boy, Element Lad,Gazelle (applicant), Invisible Kid, Light Lass, Lightning Lad, M'Rissey, Night Girl (applicant), Phantom Girl, Princess Projectra, Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass, Sizzle (applicant), Star Boy, Sun Boy, Timber Wolf, Turtle (applicant), Ultra Boy
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: Sun Boy rejoins, and Gazelle is accepted for membership. The other three applicants become part of the newly-formed Legion Reserve.
Chameleon seems really impressed by Sun Boy's new look.
For once, we seem to have gotten through Legion tryouts without anyone becoming a supervillain or swearing vendetta against the Legion. Unless you want to count Jeckie....
SUEPRMAN #682 (1/09)
"New Krypton Part 6: Invasive Surgery"
ROLL CALL: Chameleon Boy [Control], Mon-El
You have to watch all the Superman Family titles pretty closely these days; Legionnaires and Legion references are popping up all over the place. This issue ends with Mon-El, still in the Phantom Zone, surrounded by Superman villains who have been sent there by the survivors of Kandor.
(No title)
ROLL CALL (Lightning Saga Legion): Starman/Star Boy
Thom takes leave from the JSA and gets a job as a gravedigger in Metropolis. He is on a secret mission, and he says, "If I don't succeed, there might not be a 31st century for me to get back to."
So what's up? The clear implication is that Thom is supposed to dig up someone's grave. But whose?
It's logicl to assume that all this has something to do with the lightning rod that Brainiac 5 still has in the future. The leading candidates seem to be Connor Kent, Bart Allen, and Barry Allen. Of the three, I'm guessing Barry. The Legion could resurrect him in the 31st century, then send him back in time so he appears right at the beginning of Final Crisis.
"The Edge of Doom: Enemy Manifest Part 3"
ROLL CALL (Teenage Revolution Legion): Atom Girl, Brainiac 5, Chameleon, Colossal Boy, Element Lad,Gazelle (applicant), Invisible Kid, Light Lass, Lightning Lad, M'Rissey, Night Girl (applicant), Phantom Girl, Princess Projectra, Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass, Sizzle (applicant), Star Boy, Sun Boy, Timber Wolf, Turtle (applicant), Ultra Boy
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: Sun Boy rejoins, and Gazelle is accepted for membership. The other three applicants become part of the newly-formed Legion Reserve.
Chameleon seems really impressed by Sun Boy's new look.
For once, we seem to have gotten through Legion tryouts without anyone becoming a supervillain or swearing vendetta against the Legion. Unless you want to count Jeckie....
SUEPRMAN #682 (1/09)
"New Krypton Part 6: Invasive Surgery"
ROLL CALL: Chameleon Boy [Control], Mon-El
You have to watch all the Superman Family titles pretty closely these days; Legionnaires and Legion references are popping up all over the place. This issue ends with Mon-El, still in the Phantom Zone, surrounded by Superman villains who have been sent there by the survivors of Kandor.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Week of 17 November 2008
(SPOILER ALERT: This post contains spoilers. Don't read it before you've read the comic.)
"Whatever Happened to the Bug of Yesterday?"
ROLL CALL (Legion of Scrutinizers): Caustic Boy, Leering Lad, Sarcasm Girl
I knew it! I knew that if I kept buying issues of this crappy comic, sooner or later there would be some kind of lame Legion reference. And sure enough, here it is: a typically unfunny Keith Giffen joke.
The rest of the comic is unreadable. Sheesh. Only two more issues left...I wonder if there's going to be another Legion cameo, or can I stop wasting money now?
Things to do with the other 3 (non-Legion) issues of AMBUSH BUG YEAR NONE:
- Shred pages so the hamster can add to his nest
- Burn them to keep warm
- Wrap small presents in them
- Fold pages into colorful pirate hats
- Make papier mache Christmas tree decorations
"The Secret Origin of Starman"
ROLL CALL (Lightning Saga Legion): Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Dawnstar, Dream Girl, Element Lad, Light Lass, Phantom Girl, Polar Boy, Starman/Star Boy, Superboy (hand & cape), Triplicate Girl, Wildfire
ROLL CALL (Earth-Zero Legion): Brainiac 5
ROLL CALL (Teenage Revolution Legion): Brainiac 5
A pretty important story: it fills in some of the missing pieces in the Lightning Saga Legion. (I'm tempted to start referring to this version as the Retro Legion, but we'll see.)
First, we see the three Brainiac 5's creating Star Boy's multiverse-map uniform, during the first Legion of Three Worlds adventure. Hey, this gives a way to roughly place that adventure in chronology. When did Thom start wearing this outfit? Sometime in the Levitz years, no? I shall have to go downstairs and search through the collection. It was definitely before the beard. And the Earth-Zero Brainy doesn't have white circles on his face, so this predates his upgrade to Brainiac 5.1.
Second, in the same scene, Brainy makes reference to "the lives of the Tornado Twins and Barry Allen's legacy" -- hinting that the first Legion of Three Worlds had something to do with Don and Dawn Allen.
Third, there's a flashback to (I'm guessing) a time shortly after the Lightning Saga. Brainy has a single lightning rod, and he makes reference to the coming Crisis of Tomorrow (i.e. L3W). Now here's the confusing part (okay, here's a confusing part): Only after the Lightning Saga did Thom leave on his mission to the 21st century. I had assumed that all the Legionnaires in Lightning Saga left the 31st century together.
So Dream Girl, Wildfire, and Dawnstar in this story have already been back to the Lightning Saga, while Thom has not yet been there. Thom is about to go back in time, spend a period in Kingdom Come, and then join up with the Justice Society to live through the Lightning Saga.
Brain hurts.
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: This is a fairly faithful retelling of key events in Thom's life. It leaves out his extra comet-inspired powers and the whole Sir Prize stuff, but that would have complicated things anyway. The implication is that he didn't rejoin the Legion until he got his new outfit, but I think that's another simplification; in classic continuity, he rejoined fairly soon after he left.
Okay, who's the caucasian crew-cut blond guy in the panel where Thomn joins the Legion? His nameplate indicates that he's Brainy, but his outfit is brown-not-purple, and his skin is white-not-green. Colorist's error? That seems unlikely, although it's possible. (But Brainy is colored correctly a few panels later, on the same page.) Could this possibly be an inside joke, based on the obscure history of ADVENTURE 247?
The explanation requires a digression. When ADVENTURE 247 was originally published, there were a few panels that showed other Legionnaires besides the three founders. One of them was a caucasian guy in a brown shirt. In later reprintings of that story, this guy was recolored to have green skin and a purple shirt. Later fandom assumed him to be Brainy, and used that as a clue in deducing the order in which the Legionnaires joined...establishing, for one thing, that Supergirl joined before Superboy. Eventually, this order became an established part of Legion continuity. Geoff Johns just making a nod to the fans (ha, ha, I'll have the colorist make an "error" and portray Brainy as caucasian and brown-shirted")? Or is tis an even more elaborate retcon, meant to establish that there was a period when Briany actually was caucasian and wore a brown shirt?
That's a bit baroque and convoluted even for Get-a-Life Boy, but I kinda like the idea. Maybe Brainy was in the middle of some mission that required him to masquerade as a caucasian brown-shirt...a mission that covered the period when Superboy and Starboy joined the Legion?
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"Whatever Happened to the Bug of Yesterday?"
ROLL CALL (Legion of Scrutinizers): Caustic Boy, Leering Lad, Sarcasm Girl
I knew it! I knew that if I kept buying issues of this crappy comic, sooner or later there would be some kind of lame Legion reference. And sure enough, here it is: a typically unfunny Keith Giffen joke.
The rest of the comic is unreadable. Sheesh. Only two more issues left...I wonder if there's going to be another Legion cameo, or can I stop wasting money now?
Things to do with the other 3 (non-Legion) issues of AMBUSH BUG YEAR NONE:
- Shred pages so the hamster can add to his nest
- Burn them to keep warm
- Wrap small presents in them
- Fold pages into colorful pirate hats
- Make papier mache Christmas tree decorations
"The Secret Origin of Starman"
ROLL CALL (Lightning Saga Legion): Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Dawnstar, Dream Girl, Element Lad, Light Lass, Phantom Girl, Polar Boy, Starman/Star Boy, Superboy (hand & cape), Triplicate Girl, Wildfire
ROLL CALL (Earth-Zero Legion): Brainiac 5
ROLL CALL (Teenage Revolution Legion): Brainiac 5
A pretty important story: it fills in some of the missing pieces in the Lightning Saga Legion. (I'm tempted to start referring to this version as the Retro Legion, but we'll see.)
First, we see the three Brainiac 5's creating Star Boy's multiverse-map uniform, during the first Legion of Three Worlds adventure. Hey, this gives a way to roughly place that adventure in chronology. When did Thom start wearing this outfit? Sometime in the Levitz years, no? I shall have to go downstairs and search through the collection. It was definitely before the beard. And the Earth-Zero Brainy doesn't have white circles on his face, so this predates his upgrade to Brainiac 5.1.
Second, in the same scene, Brainy makes reference to "the lives of the Tornado Twins and Barry Allen's legacy" -- hinting that the first Legion of Three Worlds had something to do with Don and Dawn Allen.
Third, there's a flashback to (I'm guessing) a time shortly after the Lightning Saga. Brainy has a single lightning rod, and he makes reference to the coming Crisis of Tomorrow (i.e. L3W). Now here's the confusing part (okay, here's a confusing part): Only after the Lightning Saga did Thom leave on his mission to the 21st century. I had assumed that all the Legionnaires in Lightning Saga left the 31st century together.
So Dream Girl, Wildfire, and Dawnstar in this story have already been back to the Lightning Saga, while Thom has not yet been there. Thom is about to go back in time, spend a period in Kingdom Come, and then join up with the Justice Society to live through the Lightning Saga.
Brain hurts.
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: This is a fairly faithful retelling of key events in Thom's life. It leaves out his extra comet-inspired powers and the whole Sir Prize stuff, but that would have complicated things anyway. The implication is that he didn't rejoin the Legion until he got his new outfit, but I think that's another simplification; in classic continuity, he rejoined fairly soon after he left.
Okay, who's the caucasian crew-cut blond guy in the panel where Thomn joins the Legion? His nameplate indicates that he's Brainy, but his outfit is brown-not-purple, and his skin is white-not-green. Colorist's error? That seems unlikely, although it's possible. (But Brainy is colored correctly a few panels later, on the same page.) Could this possibly be an inside joke, based on the obscure history of ADVENTURE 247?
The explanation requires a digression. When ADVENTURE 247 was originally published, there were a few panels that showed other Legionnaires besides the three founders. One of them was a caucasian guy in a brown shirt. In later reprintings of that story, this guy was recolored to have green skin and a purple shirt. Later fandom assumed him to be Brainy, and used that as a clue in deducing the order in which the Legionnaires joined...establishing, for one thing, that Supergirl joined before Superboy. Eventually, this order became an established part of Legion continuity. Geoff Johns just making a nod to the fans (ha, ha, I'll have the colorist make an "error" and portray Brainy as caucasian and brown-shirted")? Or is tis an even more elaborate retcon, meant to establish that there was a period when Briany actually was caucasian and wore a brown shirt?
That's a bit baroque and convoluted even for Get-a-Life Boy, but I kinda like the idea. Maybe Brainy was in the middle of some mission that required him to masquerade as a caucasian brown-shirt...a mission that covered the period when Superboy and Starboy joined the Legion?
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Week of 12 November 2008
(SPOILER ALERT: This post contains spoilers. Don't read it before you've read the comics.)
(No title)
ROLL CALL: Starman/Star Boy
Thom is there, on page 16, in a flashback to KINGDOM COME.
"Metallo 3000"
ROLL CALL (Cover): Blok, Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Cosmic Boy, Dream Girl, Karate Kid, Lightning Lad, Matter-Eater Lad, Nemesis Kid, Phantom Girl, Saturn Girl, Shrinking Violet, Star Boy, Sun Boy, Superman, Timber Wolf, Triplicate Girl, Ultra Boy
ROLL CALL (Animated Legion): Bouncing Boy (cameo), Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy (cameo), Colossal Boy (cameo), Cosmic Boy (cameo), Dream Girl, Lightning Lad, Matter-Eater Lad (cameo), Phantom Girl (cameo), Saturn Girl, Shrinking Violet (cameo), Sun Boy (cameo), Superman, Superman X (cameo), Timber Wolf, Triplicate Girl (cameo), Tyroc (cameo), Ultra Boy (cameo),
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Brainiac 5, Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad, Mon-El, Saturn Gril, Superboy
Last issue of a really fun comic. Brainy witnesses some alternate universes, including the cover of Adventure 247 and Mon-El floating in the Phantom Zone. And on the last page, we see that Brainiac 5 from the Classic Legion has been watching the events of this issue on a monitor. Apparently, in the Legion's timeline, the LSH animated television series was never cancelled (or perhaps was started up again on a different network?)
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: On the last page, in the Classic Legion sequence, Lightning Lad has his artificial arm, an he's also wearing a white-and-black version of his original costume. It's difficult to place this sequence in Legion history. By the emotional logic of the story, this ought to be the three founders setting out to recruit Superboy in the first place -- but Garth's robot arm is an anachronism. I'm willing to overlook that as a simple mistake, and give them credit for a nice tribute to the Legion.
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(No title)
ROLL CALL: Starman/Star Boy
Thom is there, on page 16, in a flashback to KINGDOM COME.
"Metallo 3000"
ROLL CALL (Cover): Blok, Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Cosmic Boy, Dream Girl, Karate Kid, Lightning Lad, Matter-Eater Lad, Nemesis Kid, Phantom Girl, Saturn Girl, Shrinking Violet, Star Boy, Sun Boy, Superman, Timber Wolf, Triplicate Girl, Ultra Boy
ROLL CALL (Animated Legion): Bouncing Boy (cameo), Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy (cameo), Colossal Boy (cameo), Cosmic Boy (cameo), Dream Girl, Lightning Lad, Matter-Eater Lad (cameo), Phantom Girl (cameo), Saturn Girl, Shrinking Violet (cameo), Sun Boy (cameo), Superman, Superman X (cameo), Timber Wolf, Triplicate Girl (cameo), Tyroc (cameo), Ultra Boy (cameo),
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Brainiac 5, Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad, Mon-El, Saturn Gril, Superboy
Last issue of a really fun comic. Brainy witnesses some alternate universes, including the cover of Adventure 247 and Mon-El floating in the Phantom Zone. And on the last page, we see that Brainiac 5 from the Classic Legion has been watching the events of this issue on a monitor. Apparently, in the Legion's timeline, the LSH animated television series was never cancelled (or perhaps was started up again on a different network?)
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: On the last page, in the Classic Legion sequence, Lightning Lad has his artificial arm, an he's also wearing a white-and-black version of his original costume. It's difficult to place this sequence in Legion history. By the emotional logic of the story, this ought to be the three founders setting out to recruit Superboy in the first place -- but Garth's robot arm is an anachronism. I'm willing to overlook that as a simple mistake, and give them credit for a nice tribute to the Legion.
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Saturday, November 08, 2008
Week of 5 November 2008
(SPOILER ALERT: This post contains spoilers. Don't read it before you've read the comics.)
"The Worst Night of His Life"
ROLL CALL: Tellus (Lightning Saga Legion?)
Some time ago, Jim Harper broke into a Cadmus facility in Salem, NH. There, he saw the Legionnaire Tellus floating in a stasis tank. Tellus telepathically told him not to worry, the Science Police would come.
"Earth Bound"
ROLL CALL: Starman/Star Boy (Lightning Saga Legion)
Thom explains how he can make black holes and open portals to other universes (if "explains" is the word I'm groping for here): "My ability to increase gravity and even manifest miniature black holes allows me to not only travel through time, but to other parallel worlds." Uh...right. And his uniform, which "was designed by three Brainiac 5's," is a map to the (new) multiverse.
Designed by three Brainiac 5's, eh? And when, exactly, did this happen? So far as we know, the three Brainys have only been together twice: once during the original "Legion of Three Worlds" untold adventure, and currently during the "Legion of Three Worlds" miniseries. But Thom's arrival in the 21st century predates the beginning of the current L3W series...doesn't it? So did the three Brainys design Thom's uniform during the untold adventure? Or did this version of Thom originate from during or after the current L3W series? Oh, man, time travel makes my head hurt!
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"The Worst Night of His Life"
ROLL CALL: Tellus (Lightning Saga Legion?)
Some time ago, Jim Harper broke into a Cadmus facility in Salem, NH. There, he saw the Legionnaire Tellus floating in a stasis tank. Tellus telepathically told him not to worry, the Science Police would come.
"Earth Bound"
ROLL CALL: Starman/Star Boy (Lightning Saga Legion)
Thom explains how he can make black holes and open portals to other universes (if "explains" is the word I'm groping for here): "My ability to increase gravity and even manifest miniature black holes allows me to not only travel through time, but to other parallel worlds." Uh...right. And his uniform, which "was designed by three Brainiac 5's," is a map to the (new) multiverse.
Designed by three Brainiac 5's, eh? And when, exactly, did this happen? So far as we know, the three Brainys have only been together twice: once during the original "Legion of Three Worlds" untold adventure, and currently during the "Legion of Three Worlds" miniseries. But Thom's arrival in the 21st century predates the beginning of the current L3W series...doesn't it? So did the three Brainys design Thom's uniform during the untold adventure? Or did this version of Thom originate from during or after the current L3W series? Oh, man, time travel makes my head hurt!
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Sunday, November 02, 2008
After 3 Worlds Part 2: Two Legions?
As I see it, there are three basic possibilities at the end of L3W: (1) All three Legions wind up in separate universes; (2) Some stay and some go away; or (3) All three Legions stay in the same universe.
Let's consider the third possibility: three Legions (or, at least, their surviving members) all in one universe. What to do?
Everyone could just band together into one (bigger) Legion. I don't see this as likely, for two reasons. First, it would be an awful lot of characters (I know, I know, when has that ever been a problem with the Legion?). Secpnd, and more important, it would result in a mixed team of adults and teens -- and I just don't see that happening.
IMHO, it would be better to establish two teams: an Adult Legion and a teenage Legion. DC has done this before, with two separate titles: LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES and LEGIONNAIRES. This time around, I could see them putting the adult group in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES v. 6, and resurrecting ADVENTURE COMICS for the teen Legion.
So who would be in the teen group?
I assume that DC would want to minimize duplication of members (i.e. you don't want to have two or three Brainiac 5's running around). So let's see if we can build a team around teen characters who have no living counterpart in the classic (Lightning Saga) Legion.
From the Earth-Zero Legion, we have:
- Andromeda
- Ferro
- Gates
- Gear
- Kid Quantum
- Kinetix
- Shikari
- XS
From the Teenage Revolution ("Threeboot") Legion, there's one candidate:
- Dream Boy
So far, it's a pretty bare team, but there are some more possible members:
- Spark (Earth-Zero): her counterpart, Light Lass, has different powers
- LeVIathan (Salu Digby) (Earth-Zero): her counterpart, Shrinking Violet, has different powers
- Star Boy (Teenage Revolution): his counterpart is now, being black, he's visually distinct from the adult Thom
- Thunder (Earth Zero): Last seen departing for the far future, she could come back
- Princess Projectra (Teenage Revolution): Adult counterpart is Sensor Girl, who has a different name and different powers
- Sensor (Earth-Zero): A different species, so visually distinct from Sensor Girl and Projectra
Now it's starting to look like a Legion. But wait, there's more. From either teen team, we can choose:
- an Invisible Kid (Lyle Norg): adult counterpart is Jacques Foccart, a whole different person
- a Karate Kid: adult counterpart, Val, has died several times already
- Triad (Earth-Zero) or Triplicate Girl (Teenage Revolution): we don't know the status of her adult counterpart, but she's most probably either Duo Damsel or Una
Depending on when the Lighning Saga Legion diverged from original continuity, the following may have never been Legionnaires:
- Magnetic Kid (Pol Krinn): If the Magic Wars never happened, Pol is still alive...hooray!
- Quislet: I don't care what anyone else says, I liked him
- Tellus: Gotta have a telepath in the group....
Finally, here are some names from out of left field, possibly as future teen members:
- Catspaw: appeared in LEGIONNAIRES but has not been seen in any of the current continuities
- Computo (Danielle Foccart): Jacques' little sister, might be too old
- Dragonmage: OK, in L3W #2 he was shown dead...but he could get better. Death isn't the handicap it used to be.
- Kent Shakespeare aka Impulse: No known counterpart in any current continuity
- Kono: had a counterpart in the Earth-Zero universe, but not yet in the classic/Lightning Saga universe
- Devlin O'Ryan: No known counterpart in any current, can call him "Reflecto"
There you have it: a teen Leigon with anywhere from 18 to 27 members, all in some way distinct from the adult Legionnaires.
One problem remains: what to do with all the duplicates, the multiple Brainiac 5's, Sautrn Girls, etc.? I see three possibilities: (1) They don't survive L3W; (2) They go away, into another dimension or the Phantom Zone or somewhere else; (3) Some die, others have their names and/or powers changed so they can fit into the teen Legion without confusion.
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Let's consider the third possibility: three Legions (or, at least, their surviving members) all in one universe. What to do?
Everyone could just band together into one (bigger) Legion. I don't see this as likely, for two reasons. First, it would be an awful lot of characters (I know, I know, when has that ever been a problem with the Legion?). Secpnd, and more important, it would result in a mixed team of adults and teens -- and I just don't see that happening.
IMHO, it would be better to establish two teams: an Adult Legion and a teenage Legion. DC has done this before, with two separate titles: LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES and LEGIONNAIRES. This time around, I could see them putting the adult group in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES v. 6, and resurrecting ADVENTURE COMICS for the teen Legion.
So who would be in the teen group?
I assume that DC would want to minimize duplication of members (i.e. you don't want to have two or three Brainiac 5's running around). So let's see if we can build a team around teen characters who have no living counterpart in the classic (Lightning Saga) Legion.
From the Earth-Zero Legion, we have:
- Andromeda
- Ferro
- Gates
- Gear
- Kid Quantum
- Kinetix
- Shikari
- XS
From the Teenage Revolution ("Threeboot") Legion, there's one candidate:
- Dream Boy
So far, it's a pretty bare team, but there are some more possible members:
- Spark (Earth-Zero): her counterpart, Light Lass, has different powers
- LeVIathan (Salu Digby) (Earth-Zero): her counterpart, Shrinking Violet, has different powers
- Star Boy (Teenage Revolution): his counterpart is now, being black, he's visually distinct from the adult Thom
- Thunder (Earth Zero): Last seen departing for the far future, she could come back
- Princess Projectra (Teenage Revolution): Adult counterpart is Sensor Girl, who has a different name and different powers
- Sensor (Earth-Zero): A different species, so visually distinct from Sensor Girl and Projectra
Now it's starting to look like a Legion. But wait, there's more. From either teen team, we can choose:
- an Invisible Kid (Lyle Norg): adult counterpart is Jacques Foccart, a whole different person
- a Karate Kid: adult counterpart, Val, has died several times already
- Triad (Earth-Zero) or Triplicate Girl (Teenage Revolution): we don't know the status of her adult counterpart, but she's most probably either Duo Damsel or Una
Depending on when the Lighning Saga Legion diverged from original continuity, the following may have never been Legionnaires:
- Magnetic Kid (Pol Krinn): If the Magic Wars never happened, Pol is still alive...hooray!
- Quislet: I don't care what anyone else says, I liked him
- Tellus: Gotta have a telepath in the group....
Finally, here are some names from out of left field, possibly as future teen members:
- Catspaw: appeared in LEGIONNAIRES but has not been seen in any of the current continuities
- Computo (Danielle Foccart): Jacques' little sister, might be too old
- Dragonmage: OK, in L3W #2 he was shown dead...but he could get better. Death isn't the handicap it used to be.
- Kent Shakespeare aka Impulse: No known counterpart in any current continuity
- Kono: had a counterpart in the Earth-Zero universe, but not yet in the classic/Lightning Saga universe
- Devlin O'Ryan: No known counterpart in any current, can call him "Reflecto"
There you have it: a teen Leigon with anywhere from 18 to 27 members, all in some way distinct from the adult Legionnaires.
One problem remains: what to do with all the duplicates, the multiple Brainiac 5's, Sautrn Girls, etc.? I see three possibilities: (1) They don't survive L3W; (2) They go away, into another dimension or the Phantom Zone or somewhere else; (3) Some die, others have their names and/or powers changed so they can fit into the teen Legion without confusion.
Visit Get-a-Life Boy's LSH page at
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Week of 29 October 2008
(SPOILER ALERT: This post contains spoilers. Don't read it before you've read the comic.)
"Dream Wedding, Blind Love"
ROLL CALL: Atom Girl, Brainiac 5, Chameleon, Colossal Boy, Dream Girl, Light Lass, Lightning Lad, Phantom Girl, Princess Projectra, Saturn Girl
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: The cream-colored guy with blond hair from Brainy's unconscious looks like a Bizarro Brainiac 5.
At the end of the issue, the blond guy has escaped form Brainy's dreams and is in the real world. This implies that the same might be possible for Dream Girl.
Brainy goes to see a spiritualist named Meander. Meander was the name of an ancient Greek river god, although it's hard to see how that applies. Of course, "meander" can also mean "to wander off course;" maybe the name is intended as a signal that this story is a bit of a diversion from the main plot?
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"Dream Wedding, Blind Love"
ROLL CALL: Atom Girl, Brainiac 5, Chameleon, Colossal Boy, Dream Girl, Light Lass, Lightning Lad, Phantom Girl, Princess Projectra, Saturn Girl
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: The cream-colored guy with blond hair from Brainy's unconscious looks like a Bizarro Brainiac 5.
At the end of the issue, the blond guy has escaped form Brainy's dreams and is in the real world. This implies that the same might be possible for Dream Girl.
Brainy goes to see a spiritualist named Meander. Meander was the name of an ancient Greek river god, although it's hard to see how that applies. Of course, "meander" can also mean "to wander off course;" maybe the name is intended as a signal that this story is a bit of a diversion from the main plot?
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Thursday, October 23, 2008
Week of 22 October 2008
(SPOILER ALERT: This post contains spoilers. Don't read it before you've read the comic.)
FINAL CRISIS #4 (11/2008)
"Darkseid Says"
ROLL CALL: Starman/Star Boy (image on viewscreen)
Yup, he's there on page 15. Blink and you'll miss him.
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FINAL CRISIS #4 (11/2008)
"Darkseid Says"
ROLL CALL: Starman/Star Boy (image on viewscreen)
Yup, he's there on page 15. Blink and you'll miss him.
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Sunday, October 19, 2008
Week of 15 October 2008
(SPOILER ALERT: This post contains spoilers. Don't read it before you've read the comics.)
"One World, Under Gog Part IV: Out of Place"
ROLL CALL (Lightning Saga Legion): Starman/Star Boy
A now-sane Thom remembers the mission on which he was sent to the 21st century...but he's not sure if he can carry it out while sane. After a while, he becomes a black-hole conduit from Earth-2, through which Power Girl returns, pursued by the Justice Society Infinity.
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: In an earlier issue of JUSTICE SOCIETY, Thom used his mass-induction power to create a black hole -- apparently that means that he is the master of anything involving black holes.
LEGION OF 3 WORLDS #2 (11/2008)
"Legion of 3 Worlds Book Two"
ROLL CALL (Classic/Lightning Saga Legion): Blok, Bariniac 5, Chameleon Girl, Colossal Boy, Cosmic Boy, Dawnstar, Invisible Kid (Jacques), Lightning Lad, Lightning Lass, Mon-El, Night Girl, Phantom Girl, Polar Boy, Rond Vidar (dies), Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass, Sun Boy, Superman, Timber Wolf, Ultra Boy, Wildfire, White Witch
ROLL CALL (Earth-Zero Legion): Andromeda, Apparition, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Cosmic Boy, Dreamer, Ferro, Gates, Gear, Invisible Kid, Karate Kid, Kid Quantum, Kinetix, LeVIathan, Live Wire, M'Onel, Saturn Girl, Sensor, Shikari, Spark, Star Boy, Timber Wolf, Triad, Ultra Boy, Umbra, Wildfire, XS
ROLL CALL (Teenage Revolution Legion): Atom Girl, Brainiac 5, Chameleon, Colossal Boy, Element Lad, Invisible Kid, Karate Kid, Light Lass, Lightning Lad, Phantom Girl, Princess Projectra, Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass, Star Boy, Timber Wolf, Triplicate Girl, Ultra Boy
ROLL CALL (Legion of Super-Villains): Beauty Blaze, Black Mace, Chameleon Chief, Cosmic King, Dr. Regulus, Earth-Man, Echo, Emerald Empress, Esper Lass, Golden Boy, Grimbor, Hunter, Lazon, Lightning Lord, Magno Lad, Mano, Micro Lad, Mist Master, Mordru, Neutrax, Ol-Vir, Persuader, Radiation Roy, Saturn Queen, Silver Slasher, Spider Girl, Storm Boy, Sun-Emperor, Superboy-Prime, Terrus, Tharok, Titania, Tusker, Tyr, Universo, Validus, Zymyr
ROLL CALL (Other): Dragonmage (deceased), Evillo (deceased), Glorith (deceased), Sodam Yat, Time Trapper
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: In the White Witch's visions, she sees "Saturn Queen with...Superboy?" She recognizes Superboy! This is the first hint we've had in recent memory that there was a Superboy.
Garth pooh-poohs the suggestion that Superboy-Prime will "apologize for ripping people in half, throw on a flight ring and become the Legion's new Superboy?" First, more confirmation that there was an old Superboy. Second, I've seen exactly this suggestion on various fan sites. Either this is foreshadowing, or it's a slapdown to those fans trying to second-guess the ending.
Saturn Queen and Esper Lass...Sun-Emperor, Beauty Blaze, and Dr. Regulus...apparently the LSV has no rule against members duplicating powers.
Refracting Lazon into component colors is brilliant.
About that lightning rod...everybody keeps saying it's Bart Allen (and I cant imagine who else it might be). Apparently Bart will have some essential part to play. But here's my question: what can Bart do that his cousin Jenni couldn't?
As far as that goes: the universes are all confused around the Allen family: Bart and Jenni (XS) now seem to belong to two different continuities...and while Mysa makes reference to the Tornado Twins (Bart & Jenni's respective parents), it's in connection with the other two Legions, so it's not certain what universe they came from.
Notice that most the Legionnaires wear nifty belts with L* buckles. Where can I get one? (Exceptions include Brainy, Dawnstar, Drake, Rond, Mysa, Brekk, Tasmia, Mon...and Tinya, whose belt buckle bears a "P".)
Sodam Yat calls himself "the last of the Guardians of the Universe," not "the last Green Lantern." No doubt all will be explained.
Next issue, we are promised "Lightning vs. Thunder." "Lightning," of course, is traditionally linked not only with the Ranzz kids, but with the Flashes; can "Thunder" refer to the Shazams, particularly the Earth-Zero Legionnaire code-named Thunder?
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"One World, Under Gog Part IV: Out of Place"
ROLL CALL (Lightning Saga Legion): Starman/Star Boy
A now-sane Thom remembers the mission on which he was sent to the 21st century...but he's not sure if he can carry it out while sane. After a while, he becomes a black-hole conduit from Earth-2, through which Power Girl returns, pursued by the Justice Society Infinity.
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: In an earlier issue of JUSTICE SOCIETY, Thom used his mass-induction power to create a black hole -- apparently that means that he is the master of anything involving black holes.
LEGION OF 3 WORLDS #2 (11/2008)
"Legion of 3 Worlds Book Two"
ROLL CALL (Classic/Lightning Saga Legion): Blok, Bariniac 5, Chameleon Girl, Colossal Boy, Cosmic Boy, Dawnstar, Invisible Kid (Jacques), Lightning Lad, Lightning Lass, Mon-El, Night Girl, Phantom Girl, Polar Boy, Rond Vidar (dies), Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass, Sun Boy, Superman, Timber Wolf, Ultra Boy, Wildfire, White Witch
ROLL CALL (Earth-Zero Legion): Andromeda, Apparition, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Cosmic Boy, Dreamer, Ferro, Gates, Gear, Invisible Kid, Karate Kid, Kid Quantum, Kinetix, LeVIathan, Live Wire, M'Onel, Saturn Girl, Sensor, Shikari, Spark, Star Boy, Timber Wolf, Triad, Ultra Boy, Umbra, Wildfire, XS
ROLL CALL (Teenage Revolution Legion): Atom Girl, Brainiac 5, Chameleon, Colossal Boy, Element Lad, Invisible Kid, Karate Kid, Light Lass, Lightning Lad, Phantom Girl, Princess Projectra, Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass, Star Boy, Timber Wolf, Triplicate Girl, Ultra Boy
ROLL CALL (Legion of Super-Villains): Beauty Blaze, Black Mace, Chameleon Chief, Cosmic King, Dr. Regulus, Earth-Man, Echo, Emerald Empress, Esper Lass, Golden Boy, Grimbor, Hunter, Lazon, Lightning Lord, Magno Lad, Mano, Micro Lad, Mist Master, Mordru, Neutrax, Ol-Vir, Persuader, Radiation Roy, Saturn Queen, Silver Slasher, Spider Girl, Storm Boy, Sun-Emperor, Superboy-Prime, Terrus, Tharok, Titania, Tusker, Tyr, Universo, Validus, Zymyr
ROLL CALL (Other): Dragonmage (deceased), Evillo (deceased), Glorith (deceased), Sodam Yat, Time Trapper
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: In the White Witch's visions, she sees "Saturn Queen with...Superboy?" She recognizes Superboy! This is the first hint we've had in recent memory that there was a Superboy.
Garth pooh-poohs the suggestion that Superboy-Prime will "apologize for ripping people in half, throw on a flight ring and become the Legion's new Superboy?" First, more confirmation that there was an old Superboy. Second, I've seen exactly this suggestion on various fan sites. Either this is foreshadowing, or it's a slapdown to those fans trying to second-guess the ending.
Saturn Queen and Esper Lass...Sun-Emperor, Beauty Blaze, and Dr. Regulus...apparently the LSV has no rule against members duplicating powers.
Refracting Lazon into component colors is brilliant.
About that lightning rod...everybody keeps saying it's Bart Allen (and I cant imagine who else it might be). Apparently Bart will have some essential part to play. But here's my question: what can Bart do that his cousin Jenni couldn't?
As far as that goes: the universes are all confused around the Allen family: Bart and Jenni (XS) now seem to belong to two different continuities...and while Mysa makes reference to the Tornado Twins (Bart & Jenni's respective parents), it's in connection with the other two Legions, so it's not certain what universe they came from.
Notice that most the Legionnaires wear nifty belts with L* buckles. Where can I get one? (Exceptions include Brainy, Dawnstar, Drake, Rond, Mysa, Brekk, Tasmia, Mon...and Tinya, whose belt buckle bears a "P".)
Sodam Yat calls himself "the last of the Guardians of the Universe," not "the last Green Lantern." No doubt all will be explained.
Next issue, we are promised "Lightning vs. Thunder." "Lightning," of course, is traditionally linked not only with the Ranzz kids, but with the Flashes; can "Thunder" refer to the Shazams, particularly the Earth-Zero Legionnaire code-named Thunder?
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Thursday, October 09, 2008
Week of 8 October 2008
(SPOILER ALERT: This post contains spoilers. Don't read it before you've read the comic.)
ROLL CALL: Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy (cameo), Dawnstar, Karate Kid, Lightning Lad, Lightning Lass (cameo), Matter-Eater Lad (cameo), Phantom Girl (cameo), Shrinking Violet (cameo), Sun Boy (cameo), Superman, Superman X (cameo), Triplicate Girl, Ultra Boy (cameo)
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS:In regular DC continuity, Booster Gold is from the 25th century; here, he is from the 31st.
As Booster is traveling back through time, we see various glimpses of Legion history. From left to right, they seem to be: (1) Mekt, Garth, and Ayla on Korbal; (2) The first meeting of Garth and Rokk; (3) Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad, and Saturn Girl in earlier versions of their costumes, with the Legion clubhouse in the background (probably soon after the founding of the team); (4) First meeting of Clark Kent and the Legion; (5) Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad fighting the Emerald Empress; (6) The team from season 2, including Kell-El, probably fighting Imperiex.
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ROLL CALL: Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy (cameo), Dawnstar, Karate Kid, Lightning Lad, Lightning Lass (cameo), Matter-Eater Lad (cameo), Phantom Girl (cameo), Shrinking Violet (cameo), Sun Boy (cameo), Superman, Superman X (cameo), Triplicate Girl, Ultra Boy (cameo)
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS:In regular DC continuity, Booster Gold is from the 25th century; here, he is from the 31st.
As Booster is traveling back through time, we see various glimpses of Legion history. From left to right, they seem to be: (1) Mekt, Garth, and Ayla on Korbal; (2) The first meeting of Garth and Rokk; (3) Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad, and Saturn Girl in earlier versions of their costumes, with the Legion clubhouse in the background (probably soon after the founding of the team); (4) First meeting of Clark Kent and the Legion; (5) Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad fighting the Emerald Empress; (6) The team from season 2, including Kell-El, probably fighting Imperiex.
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Week of 1 October 2008
I didn't see any Legion content in DC comics this week. Sigh.
Legion of 3 Worlds #2: Are we there yet?
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Legion of 3 Worlds #2: Are we there yet?
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Thursday, September 25, 2008
Week of 24 September 2008
(SPOILER ALERT: This post contains spoilers. Don't read it before you've read the comic.)
"Imperatrix: Enemy Manifest Part 2"
ROLL CALL: Brainiac 5, Chameleon, Element Lad, Invisible Kid, Light Lass, Lightning Lad, M'Rissey, Phantom Girl, Princess Projectra, Saturn Girl, Star Boy, Timber Wolf, Ultra Boy
Phantom Girl is reading ACTION COMICS #242 (7/1958). That issue featured the introduction of Brainiac and the Bottle City of Kandor. Not-so-coincidentally, ACTION COMICS in 2008 is currently running a multi-part series that updates this story. (The other comic next to Phantom Girl is GREEN LANTERN #85 (9/1971).
Although Chameleon is supposed to be genderless this time around, Brainy refers to Cham as "he."
The new Legion costumes came from "Carmine's Actionwear." This is probably a reference to the legendary Carmine Infantino, who designed the costumes of the Silver Age Flash as well as many, many others.
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"Imperatrix: Enemy Manifest Part 2"
ROLL CALL: Brainiac 5, Chameleon, Element Lad, Invisible Kid, Light Lass, Lightning Lad, M'Rissey, Phantom Girl, Princess Projectra, Saturn Girl, Star Boy, Timber Wolf, Ultra Boy
Phantom Girl is reading ACTION COMICS #242 (7/1958). That issue featured the introduction of Brainiac and the Bottle City of Kandor. Not-so-coincidentally, ACTION COMICS in 2008 is currently running a multi-part series that updates this story. (The other comic next to Phantom Girl is GREEN LANTERN #85 (9/1971).
Although Chameleon is supposed to be genderless this time around, Brainy refers to Cham as "he."
The new Legion costumes came from "Carmine's Actionwear." This is probably a reference to the legendary Carmine Infantino, who designed the costumes of the Silver Age Flash as well as many, many others.
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Saturday, September 20, 2008
After Three Worlds
I'm sure this is just wishful thinking, but everyone is speculating about what will happen after Legion of 3 Worlds, so I thought I would throw in my two bits.
Way back when there was a DC Multiverse, the Justice League of Earth-1 and the Justice Society of Earth-2 got together every summer for a two- or three-part adventure. These JLA/JSA crossovers were very popular, and they ranged all over the multiverse (the Legion even co-starred in one of them). Eventually it all culminated in Crisis on Infinite Earths.
That's what I'd like to see: an annual crossover between the Legions of several worlds. This could include not only the three officially recognized Legions, but other variants like the five-year-gap LSH, the SW6 batch ("Legionnaires"), and even new variants.
I suppose these crossovers could be part of the ongoing Legion title (whatever that is)...but as long as I'm being blue-sky here, I'm going to go ahead and wish for an independent title, either a jumbo one-issue tale or a two- or three-issue miniseries.
Annual "Legion of X Worlds" crossovers would not be my ultimate dream (a quarterly "Tales of the LSH" anthology, kinda like the old "Tales of the Green Lantern Corps," that would feature stories of many different Legions in many different time periods)...but I wouldn't kick it out of bed for eating crackers.
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Way back when there was a DC Multiverse, the Justice League of Earth-1 and the Justice Society of Earth-2 got together every summer for a two- or three-part adventure. These JLA/JSA crossovers were very popular, and they ranged all over the multiverse (the Legion even co-starred in one of them). Eventually it all culminated in Crisis on Infinite Earths.
That's what I'd like to see: an annual crossover between the Legions of several worlds. This could include not only the three officially recognized Legions, but other variants like the five-year-gap LSH, the SW6 batch ("Legionnaires"), and even new variants.
I suppose these crossovers could be part of the ongoing Legion title (whatever that is)...but as long as I'm being blue-sky here, I'm going to go ahead and wish for an independent title, either a jumbo one-issue tale or a two- or three-issue miniseries.
Annual "Legion of X Worlds" crossovers would not be my ultimate dream (a quarterly "Tales of the LSH" anthology, kinda like the old "Tales of the Green Lantern Corps," that would feature stories of many different Legions in many different time periods)...but I wouldn't kick it out of bed for eating crackers.
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Week of 17 September 2008
(SPOILER ALERT: This post contains spoilers. Don't read it before you've read the comic.)
DREAMWAR #6 (11/08)
"...Perchance to Dream"
ROLL CALL: Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Cosmic Boy, Light Lass (maybe?), Mano (maybe?), Phantom Girl, Shadow Lass, Star Boy, Timber Wolf, Triplicate Girl, Ultra Boy
...And so it was all the dream of an antisocial fanboy who dislikes and disrespects the heroes he included in his senseless imaginings. His name is Keith Giffen.
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DREAMWAR #6 (11/08)
"...Perchance to Dream"
ROLL CALL: Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Cosmic Boy, Light Lass (maybe?), Mano (maybe?), Phantom Girl, Shadow Lass, Star Boy, Timber Wolf, Triplicate Girl, Ultra Boy
...And so it was all the dream of an antisocial fanboy who dislikes and disrespects the heroes he included in his senseless imaginings. His name is Keith Giffen.
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Week of 10 September 2008
(SPOILER ALERT: This post contains spoilers. Don't read it before you've read the comic.)
"Failure to Communicate"
ROLL CALL (Animated Legion): Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Cosmic Boy, Dream Girl, Lightning Lad, Matter-Eater Lad, Mordru, Nemesis Kid, Phantom Girl, Saturn Girl, Shrinking Violet, Star Boy, Sun Boy, Superman, Timber Wolf, Triplicate Girl, Tyroc, Ultra Boy, White Witch
In all former Legion continuities, Nemesis Kid was a villain. It's interesting to see him in action as a hero (and a fine job he does, if I may say so.) His powers are slightly different this time around. In the past, Nemesis Kid has the ability to gain whatever powers he needs to defeat any one opponent. (Thus, he was usually defeated pretty handily by Duo Damsel.) Now, he has the power to neutralize his opponent's powers. In this way, he's something like Neutrax.
In this issue, the Legionnaires are ignorant of Nemesis Kid's origin, but speculate that his power might be magic-based. In former continuities, he gained his ability from alchemy.
Mordru's attack is ingenious: he uses his magic to eliminate Interlac, thus turning Earth into a real-life Tower of Babel.
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"Failure to Communicate"
ROLL CALL (Animated Legion): Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Cosmic Boy, Dream Girl, Lightning Lad, Matter-Eater Lad, Mordru, Nemesis Kid, Phantom Girl, Saturn Girl, Shrinking Violet, Star Boy, Sun Boy, Superman, Timber Wolf, Triplicate Girl, Tyroc, Ultra Boy, White Witch
In all former Legion continuities, Nemesis Kid was a villain. It's interesting to see him in action as a hero (and a fine job he does, if I may say so.) His powers are slightly different this time around. In the past, Nemesis Kid has the ability to gain whatever powers he needs to defeat any one opponent. (Thus, he was usually defeated pretty handily by Duo Damsel.) Now, he has the power to neutralize his opponent's powers. In this way, he's something like Neutrax.
In this issue, the Legionnaires are ignorant of Nemesis Kid's origin, but speculate that his power might be magic-based. In former continuities, he gained his ability from alchemy.
Mordru's attack is ingenious: he uses his magic to eliminate Interlac, thus turning Earth into a real-life Tower of Babel.
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Week of 3 September 2008
I didn't see any LSH content in the DC Universe this week. Guess I'll have to re-read Legion of 3 Worlds #1. Oh, darn! :)
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Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Week of 27 August 2008
(SPOILER ALERT: This post contains spoilers. Don't read it before you've read the comics.)
"One World, Under Gog Part III: War Lords"
ROLL CALL: Starman/Star Boy (Lightning Saga Legion)
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: Thom is looking more confident, and he's also taken off his hood. Not sure where they're going with this, but sanity seems to agree with him.
"Enemy Manifest Part 1: Monster in Our Midst"
ROLL CALL (Teenage Revolution Legion): Atom Girl, Brainiac 5, Chameleon, Colossal Boy, Element Lad, Invisible Kid, Light Lass, Lightning Lad, M'Rissey, Night Girl, Phantom Girl, Princess Projectra, Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass, Star Boy, Timber Wolf, Ultra Boy
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: Lightning Lad calls Element Lad "El" -- I believe this is the first time this particular nickname has been used. In previous continuity, he's usually called "Jan"
Among those in line at the United Planets Young Heroes auditions are Night Girl, possibly Insect Queen, and a guy with hair reminiscent of Atmos.
Saturn Girl and Ultra Boy are caught in flagante delicto at the end of the issue. This echoes LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES #289 (7/1982). in which an innocent Saturn Girl and Timber Wolf were discovered in a tender moment. Interestingly, that issue also featured another parallel with the current issue: a budding romantic relationship between Colossal Boy and Shrinking Violet. Of course, we later learned that she was Yera, not Vi.
Finally, on a personal note: I've spent the last week and a half recovering from neck surgery, and one o' them bio-repair tanks would be a great thing to have. Just in case someone has a spare one lying around....
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"One World, Under Gog Part III: War Lords"
ROLL CALL: Starman/Star Boy (Lightning Saga Legion)
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: Thom is looking more confident, and he's also taken off his hood. Not sure where they're going with this, but sanity seems to agree with him.
"Enemy Manifest Part 1: Monster in Our Midst"
ROLL CALL (Teenage Revolution Legion): Atom Girl, Brainiac 5, Chameleon, Colossal Boy, Element Lad, Invisible Kid, Light Lass, Lightning Lad, M'Rissey, Night Girl, Phantom Girl, Princess Projectra, Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass, Star Boy, Timber Wolf, Ultra Boy
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: Lightning Lad calls Element Lad "El" -- I believe this is the first time this particular nickname has been used. In previous continuity, he's usually called "Jan"
Among those in line at the United Planets Young Heroes auditions are Night Girl, possibly Insect Queen, and a guy with hair reminiscent of Atmos.
Saturn Girl and Ultra Boy are caught in flagante delicto at the end of the issue. This echoes LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES #289 (7/1982). in which an innocent Saturn Girl and Timber Wolf were discovered in a tender moment. Interestingly, that issue also featured another parallel with the current issue: a budding romantic relationship between Colossal Boy and Shrinking Violet. Of course, we later learned that she was Yera, not Vi.
Finally, on a personal note: I've spent the last week and a half recovering from neck surgery, and one o' them bio-repair tanks would be a great thing to have. Just in case someone has a spare one lying around....
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Friday, August 22, 2008
Week of 20 August 2008
(SPOILER ALERT: This post contains spoilers. Don't read it before you've read the comics.)
DREAMWAR #5 (10/08)
"Bad to the Bone"
ROLL CALL: Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Comic Boy, Light Lass, Phantom Girl, Saturn Girl (cover only), Shadow Lass, Star Boy, Timber Wolf, Validus
BITS OF DC COMICS BUSINESS: The Legion (along with the other DC heroes) has regained its moral compass: "Ever since those kids came to their senses, they refuse to use lethal force."
Lethal force seems to be one major theme of this crossover. The Wildstorm heroes, I gather, go about killing people all the time; the DC heroes, as represented by Superman, refuse to kill. This theme also appears this week in LEGION OF 3 WORLDS and, in a way, in the Spectre's troubles in FINAL CRISIS: REVELATIONS.
Personally, I'm glad to see DC coming to their senses. The main reason I consider the John Byrne Superman a travesty is that he deliberately executed three Phantom Zone villains. At that point, DC proved that it lost its moral compass. The Superman I grew up with never killed, never. And he taught all other heroes the same code.
The Legion, inheriting Superman's ethics, had a code against killing (although not as tight as Superman's, since it allowed a self-defense exception). Star Boy got thrown out for breaking that code. When Princess Projectra executed Nemesis Kid, her Legion career was over (but it was a supremely dramatic moment, made so much more powerful by the strong history of the Legion's no-killing code).
Here and in LEGION OF 3 WORLDS, I am overjoyed to see the Legion remaining true to its code.
"Legion of 3 Worlds Book One"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion aka Lightning Saga Legion): Brainiac 5, Chameleon Girl, Colossal Boy, Cosmic Boy, Dr. Gym'll, Invisible Kid II (Jacques), Karate Kid II (Myg), Lightning Lad, Lightning Lass, Mon-El, Night Girl, Phantom Girl, RJ Brande, Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass,Shrinking Violet, Superman, Timber Wolf, Time Trapper, Ultra Boy
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion, statues/holograms): Blok, Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Chameleon Girl, Colossal Boy, Cosmic Boy, Dawnstar, Dream Girl, Duo Damsel, Element Lad, Invisible Kid II (Jacques), Karate Kid, Lightning Lad, Lightning Lass, Matter-Eater Lad, Mon-El, Night Girl, Phantom Girl, Polar Boy, Quislet, RJ Brande, Saturn Girl, Sensor Girl, Shadow Lass, Star Boy, Sun Boy, Superman, Tellus, Timber Wolf, Tyroc, Ultra Boy, White Witch, Wildfire
ROLL CALL (Earth-Zero Legion, statues/holograms): Andromeda, Apparition, Brainiac 5.1, Chameleon Boy, Chuck Taine, Cosmic Boy, Dreamer, Element Lad, Ferro, Gates, Gear, Invisible Kid, Karate Kid, Kid Quantum I, Kid Quantum II, Kinetix, Koko, Leviathan, LeVIathan/Shrinking Violet, Live Wire, Magno, M'Onel, Monstress, Saturn Girl, Sensor, Shikari, Spark, Star Boy, Thunder, Timber Wolf, Triad, Ultra Boy, Umbra, Wildfire, XS
ROLL CALL (Teenage Revolution Legion, statues/holograms): Brainiac 5, Chameleon, Colossal Boy, Cosmic Boy, Dream Boy, Dream Girl, Element Lad, Invisible Kid, Karate Kid, Light Lass, Lightning Lad, Mon-El, Phantom Girl, Princess Projectra, Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass, Star Boy, Sun Boy, Supergirl, Timber Wolf, Triplicate Girl, Ultra Boy
ROLL CALL (Legion of Super-Villains): Cosmic King, Lightning Lord, Saturn Queen
ROLL CALL (Legion of Super-Villains, statues/holograms): Chameleon Chief, Cosmic King, Esper Lass, Hunter II, Lazon, Lightning Lord, Magno Lad, Micro Lad, Mist Master, Nemesis Kid, Neutrax, Radiation Roy, Ron-Karr, Saturn Queen, Silver Slasher, Spider-Girl, Sun Emperor, Tarik the Mute, Terrus, Titania, Tyr, Zymyr
Like many other Legion fans, I am blown away by this first issue. My very favorite thing, as I mentioned above, is the very end, when Superman states that the Legion's misssion is to redeem Superboy-Prime. Any fools can run off and kill their opponents...and any heroes can set off to capture and imprison their opponents...but only super-heroes can decide to redeem their opponents. Hooray for the Legion.
Oh, and the part about how Superman learned "turth, justice, and the American way" from the Legion...gave me shivers.
Can't wait for next issue.
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: By the end of the issue, the following "missing" Legionnaires are still unaccounted for: Bouncing Boy, Chamelon Boy, Dream Girl, Duo Damsel/Una, Element Lad, Karate Kid, Matter-Eater Lad, Quislet, Sensor Girl, Star Boy, Tellus, Tyroc, and the White Witch. Of these, five appeared in the Lightning Saga: Dream Girl, Duo Damsel/Una, Karate Kid, Sensor Girl, and Star Boy. Val and one of Luornu's bodies died in 52, and Star Boy/Starman is still in the 21st century.
Magnetic Kid has yet to appear in any form.
General Zod, Ursa, and a few others are still in the Phantom Zone in the 31st century. Shouldn't their sentences have been up a long time ago? And there is no sign of Chris Kent...I'm just sayin'.
The theory here seems to be that the Lightning Saga Legion and the Classic Legion are the same. I'm inclined to go with that.
With Blok and Sun Boy still aroundand no sign of Kono, Kent Shapespeare, or Devlin O'Ryan, I think we can safely say that the last nails have been driven into the coffin of the "Five Year Gap" Legion. Or at least, let's say that the 5YG Legion is definitely an alternate version, not part of the Classic Legion's continuity. The departure point seems to be somewhere around the Magic Wars (depending very much on if/how Magnetic Kid fits in).
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DREAMWAR #5 (10/08)
"Bad to the Bone"
ROLL CALL: Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Comic Boy, Light Lass, Phantom Girl, Saturn Girl (cover only), Shadow Lass, Star Boy, Timber Wolf, Validus
BITS OF DC COMICS BUSINESS: The Legion (along with the other DC heroes) has regained its moral compass: "Ever since those kids came to their senses, they refuse to use lethal force."
Lethal force seems to be one major theme of this crossover. The Wildstorm heroes, I gather, go about killing people all the time; the DC heroes, as represented by Superman, refuse to kill. This theme also appears this week in LEGION OF 3 WORLDS and, in a way, in the Spectre's troubles in FINAL CRISIS: REVELATIONS.
Personally, I'm glad to see DC coming to their senses. The main reason I consider the John Byrne Superman a travesty is that he deliberately executed three Phantom Zone villains. At that point, DC proved that it lost its moral compass. The Superman I grew up with never killed, never. And he taught all other heroes the same code.
The Legion, inheriting Superman's ethics, had a code against killing (although not as tight as Superman's, since it allowed a self-defense exception). Star Boy got thrown out for breaking that code. When Princess Projectra executed Nemesis Kid, her Legion career was over (but it was a supremely dramatic moment, made so much more powerful by the strong history of the Legion's no-killing code).
Here and in LEGION OF 3 WORLDS, I am overjoyed to see the Legion remaining true to its code.
"Legion of 3 Worlds Book One"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion aka Lightning Saga Legion): Brainiac 5, Chameleon Girl, Colossal Boy, Cosmic Boy, Dr. Gym'll, Invisible Kid II (Jacques), Karate Kid II (Myg), Lightning Lad, Lightning Lass, Mon-El, Night Girl, Phantom Girl, RJ Brande, Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass,Shrinking Violet, Superman, Timber Wolf, Time Trapper, Ultra Boy
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion, statues/holograms): Blok, Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Chameleon Girl, Colossal Boy, Cosmic Boy, Dawnstar, Dream Girl, Duo Damsel, Element Lad, Invisible Kid II (Jacques), Karate Kid, Lightning Lad, Lightning Lass, Matter-Eater Lad, Mon-El, Night Girl, Phantom Girl, Polar Boy, Quislet, RJ Brande, Saturn Girl, Sensor Girl, Shadow Lass, Star Boy, Sun Boy, Superman, Tellus, Timber Wolf, Tyroc, Ultra Boy, White Witch, Wildfire
ROLL CALL (Earth-Zero Legion, statues/holograms): Andromeda, Apparition, Brainiac 5.1, Chameleon Boy, Chuck Taine, Cosmic Boy, Dreamer, Element Lad, Ferro, Gates, Gear, Invisible Kid, Karate Kid, Kid Quantum I, Kid Quantum II, Kinetix, Koko, Leviathan, LeVIathan/Shrinking Violet, Live Wire, Magno, M'Onel, Monstress, Saturn Girl, Sensor, Shikari, Spark, Star Boy, Thunder, Timber Wolf, Triad, Ultra Boy, Umbra, Wildfire, XS
ROLL CALL (Teenage Revolution Legion, statues/holograms): Brainiac 5, Chameleon, Colossal Boy, Cosmic Boy, Dream Boy, Dream Girl, Element Lad, Invisible Kid, Karate Kid, Light Lass, Lightning Lad, Mon-El, Phantom Girl, Princess Projectra, Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass, Star Boy, Sun Boy, Supergirl, Timber Wolf, Triplicate Girl, Ultra Boy
ROLL CALL (Legion of Super-Villains): Cosmic King, Lightning Lord, Saturn Queen
ROLL CALL (Legion of Super-Villains, statues/holograms): Chameleon Chief, Cosmic King, Esper Lass, Hunter II, Lazon, Lightning Lord, Magno Lad, Micro Lad, Mist Master, Nemesis Kid, Neutrax, Radiation Roy, Ron-Karr, Saturn Queen, Silver Slasher, Spider-Girl, Sun Emperor, Tarik the Mute, Terrus, Titania, Tyr, Zymyr
Like many other Legion fans, I am blown away by this first issue. My very favorite thing, as I mentioned above, is the very end, when Superman states that the Legion's misssion is to redeem Superboy-Prime. Any fools can run off and kill their opponents...and any heroes can set off to capture and imprison their opponents...but only super-heroes can decide to redeem their opponents. Hooray for the Legion.
Oh, and the part about how Superman learned "turth, justice, and the American way" from the Legion...gave me shivers.
Can't wait for next issue.
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: By the end of the issue, the following "missing" Legionnaires are still unaccounted for: Bouncing Boy, Chamelon Boy, Dream Girl, Duo Damsel/Una, Element Lad, Karate Kid, Matter-Eater Lad, Quislet, Sensor Girl, Star Boy, Tellus, Tyroc, and the White Witch. Of these, five appeared in the Lightning Saga: Dream Girl, Duo Damsel/Una, Karate Kid, Sensor Girl, and Star Boy. Val and one of Luornu's bodies died in 52, and Star Boy/Starman is still in the 21st century.
Magnetic Kid has yet to appear in any form.
General Zod, Ursa, and a few others are still in the Phantom Zone in the 31st century. Shouldn't their sentences have been up a long time ago? And there is no sign of Chris Kent...I'm just sayin'.
The theory here seems to be that the Lightning Saga Legion and the Classic Legion are the same. I'm inclined to go with that.
With Blok and Sun Boy still aroundand no sign of Kono, Kent Shapespeare, or Devlin O'Ryan, I think we can safely say that the last nails have been driven into the coffin of the "Five Year Gap" Legion. Or at least, let's say that the 5YG Legion is definitely an alternate version, not part of the Classic Legion's continuity. The departure point seems to be somewhere around the Magic Wars (depending very much on if/how Magnetic Kid fits in).
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Week of 13 August 2008
(SPOILER ALERT: This post contains spoilers. Don't read it before you've read the comic.)
"Thanagarians at the Gate"
ROLL CALL: Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5, Dream Girl, Lightning Lad, Shrinking Violet, Superman, Timber Wolf
ROLL CALL (cover only): Blok, Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Cosmic Boy, Dream Girl, Element Lad, Karate Kid, Lightning Lad, Matter-Eater Lad, Phantom Girl, Saturn Girl, Shrinking Violet, Star Boy, Sun Boy, Timber Wolf, Triplicate Girl, Tyroc, Ultra Boy
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: The cover, a nice group shot, has nothing to do with the actual story. Superman does not appear on the cover.
Brainiac 5 reveals that he has a built-in means to control flight rings remotely.
Brainiac 5 doesn't understand and is reluctant to trust Dream Girl's power. This tension has also played a part in the Teenage Revolution version of the Legion.
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"Thanagarians at the Gate"
ROLL CALL: Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5, Dream Girl, Lightning Lad, Shrinking Violet, Superman, Timber Wolf
ROLL CALL (cover only): Blok, Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Cosmic Boy, Dream Girl, Element Lad, Karate Kid, Lightning Lad, Matter-Eater Lad, Phantom Girl, Saturn Girl, Shrinking Violet, Star Boy, Sun Boy, Timber Wolf, Triplicate Girl, Tyroc, Ultra Boy
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: The cover, a nice group shot, has nothing to do with the actual story. Superman does not appear on the cover.
Brainiac 5 reveals that he has a built-in means to control flight rings remotely.
Brainiac 5 doesn't understand and is reluctant to trust Dream Girl's power. This tension has also played a part in the Teenage Revolution version of the Legion.
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Week of 6 August 2008
No LSH appearances in the DC Universe this week. Hard to complain, with Legion of 3 Worlds coming up.
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Friday, August 01, 2008
July 2008 Retrospective
45 Years Ago:
ADVENTURE #310 (7/1963)
"Doom of the Super-Heroes"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Brainiac 5, Bouncing Boy, Cosmic Boy, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Element Lad, Invisible Kid, Lightning Lass, Mon-El, Saturn Girl, Shrinking Violet, Star Boy, Sun Boy, Superboy, Triplicate Girl, Ultra Boy
JIMMY OLSEN #70 (7/1963)
"The Secret of Silver Kryptonite"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Element Lad
SUPERMAN #162 (7/1963)
"Superman-Red and Superman-Blue"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Bouncing Boy, Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl, Sun Boy
40 Years Ago:
ACTION #365 (7/1968)
"Superman's Funeral"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Cosmic Boy, Duo Damsel, Phantom Girl, Saturn Girl, Sun Boy
ADVENTURE #370 (7/1968)
"The Devil's Jury"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Dream Girl, Duo Damsel, Invisible Kid, Insect Queen, Mon-El, Mordru, Princess Projectra, Pete Ross, Shadow Lass, Superboy, Ultra Boy, White Witch
JIMMY OLSEN #112 (7/1968)
"The Murderous Magnaman!"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Mon-El (mentioned)
35 Years Ago:
LSH (v1) #4 (7/1973)
Reprint of "The Weirdo Legionnaire" from ADVENTURE 341 (2/1966)
30 Years Ago:
KARATE KID #15 (7/1978)
"Bring Back My Future To Me"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Chameleon Boy, Karate Kid, Superboy
"Prologue to Earthwar"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Dream Girl, Element Lad, Mon-El, Ontiir, Phantom Girl, Ambassador Relnic, Shrinking Violet, Shvaughn Erin, Sun Boy, Superboy, Ultra Boy, Wildfire
"My Brother's Keeper"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Light Lass, Lightning Lad, Lightning Lord, Timber Wolf
25 Years Ago:
DC COMICS PRSENTS #59 (7/1983)
"Ambush Bg II"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Antenna Boy, Chlorophyll Kid, Color Kid, Double-Header, Fire Lad, Infectious Lass, Polar Boy, Porcupine Pete, Stone Boy, Superman, Chief Zendak
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Elastic Lad
"Different Paths Different Dooms"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Blok, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Dream Girl, Element Lad, Gigi Cusimano, Karate Kid, Lightning Lad, Ontiir, Princess Projectra, Proty II, R.J. Brande, Saturn Girl, Shrinking Violet (Yera), Shvaughn Erin, Star Boy, Sun Boy, Supergirl, Timber Wolf, Ultra Boy
20 Years Ago:
INVASION #2 (7/1988)
"Battleground Earth"
ROLL CALL (L.E.G.I.O.N.): Garryn Bek, Lyrissa Mallor, R.J. Brande (Durlan), Stealth, Vril Dox
"A Time To Die"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Blok, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Duo Damsel, Element Lad, Magnetic Kid, Mon-El, Roon Dvron, Sensor Girl, Shvaughn Erin, Starfinger II, Tellus
WNANDERERS #2 (7/1988)
"...To Heavens of Everything"
ROLL CALL (Wanderers): Dartalon, Elvar, Ornithax, Psyche, Quantum Queen, Re-Animage
15 Years Ago:
L.E.G.I.O.N.'93 #55 (7/1993)
ROLL CALL (L.E.G.I.O.N.): Lady Quark, Lydea Mallor, Lyrissa Mallor, Phase, Strata
L.E.G.I.O.N.'93 #56 (7/1993)
"Bouncing Back"
ROLL CALL (L.E.G.I.O.N.): Garryn Bek, Masked Avenger (Garv), Strata
LEGIONNAIRES #4 (7/1993)
"If Looks Could Kill"
ROLL CALL (SW6): Alchemist, Andromeda, Catspaw, Cera Kesh/Emerald Empress II, Cosmic Boy, Ferro, Gossamer, Danielle Foccart/Computo, Inferno, Invisible Kid, Live Wire, Matter-Eater Lad, Mordecai, Saturn Girl, Ultra Boy
ROLL CALL (5-Year-Gap Legion): Chameleon Boy, Fatal 5, Mano, Persuader, Tharok
"New Members? New Problems!"
ROLL CALL (5-Year-Gap Legion): Blood Claw, Brainiac 5, Cosmic Boy, Dawnstar, Devlin O'Ryan, Dream Girl, Element Lad, Firefist, Flederweb, Infectious Lass, Invisible Kid II, Kono, Laurel Gand, Lightning Lass, Martian Manhunter, Matter-Eater Lad, Night Girl, Princess Projectra, Rond Vidar, Roxxas, Shrinking Violet, Spider Girl, Ultra Boy, Veilmist
VALOR #9 (7/1993)
"How to Win Friends and Influence People"
10 Years Ago:
GREEN LANTERN #100 (7/1993)
"In Brightest Days Past"
ROLL CALL (Earth-Zero Legion): Brainiac 5
LEGIONNAIRES #62 (7/1998)
"Dark Circle Rising! Part 1: Balance of Power"
ROLL CALL (Earth-Zero Legion): Andromeda, Brainiac 5.1, Chameleon Boy, Chuck Taine, Dr. Gym'll, Dyrk, Gates, Invisible Kid, Kinetix, Leland McCauley, LeVIathan, Lori Morning, M'Onel, Proty, R.J. Brande, Sensor, Spark, Umbra, XS
"Dark Circle Rising Part 2: High Crimes"
ROLL CALL (Earth-Zero Legion): Andromeda, Apparition, Brainiac 5.1, Cosmic Boy, Gates, Kono, M'Onel, R.J. Brande, Rond Vidar, Saturn Girl, Sensor, Spark, Triad, Ultra Boy, XS
SUPERBOY #53 (7/1998)
"Pearl Harbor 2"
No actual Legion appearances, but the Legion is mentioned and a Legion belt appears in a dream sequence.
5 Years Ago:
"Dream Crime Part 2"
ROLL CALL (Earth-Zero Legion): Apparition, Brainiac 5.1, Chameleon Boy, Cosmic Boy, Invisible Kid, Kid Quantum, LeVIathan, Live Wire, Monstress, R.J. Brande, Saturn Girl, Shikari, Spark, Tenzil Kem, Timber Wolf, Triad, Ultra Boy, Umbra, Universo, Wildfire
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ADVENTURE #310 (7/1963)
"Doom of the Super-Heroes"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Brainiac 5, Bouncing Boy, Cosmic Boy, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Element Lad, Invisible Kid, Lightning Lass, Mon-El, Saturn Girl, Shrinking Violet, Star Boy, Sun Boy, Superboy, Triplicate Girl, Ultra Boy
JIMMY OLSEN #70 (7/1963)
"The Secret of Silver Kryptonite"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Element Lad
SUPERMAN #162 (7/1963)
"Superman-Red and Superman-Blue"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Bouncing Boy, Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl, Sun Boy
40 Years Ago:
ACTION #365 (7/1968)
"Superman's Funeral"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Cosmic Boy, Duo Damsel, Phantom Girl, Saturn Girl, Sun Boy
ADVENTURE #370 (7/1968)
"The Devil's Jury"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Dream Girl, Duo Damsel, Invisible Kid, Insect Queen, Mon-El, Mordru, Princess Projectra, Pete Ross, Shadow Lass, Superboy, Ultra Boy, White Witch
JIMMY OLSEN #112 (7/1968)
"The Murderous Magnaman!"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Mon-El (mentioned)
35 Years Ago:
LSH (v1) #4 (7/1973)
Reprint of "The Weirdo Legionnaire" from ADVENTURE 341 (2/1966)
30 Years Ago:
KARATE KID #15 (7/1978)
"Bring Back My Future To Me"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Chameleon Boy, Karate Kid, Superboy
"Prologue to Earthwar"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Dream Girl, Element Lad, Mon-El, Ontiir, Phantom Girl, Ambassador Relnic, Shrinking Violet, Shvaughn Erin, Sun Boy, Superboy, Ultra Boy, Wildfire
"My Brother's Keeper"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Light Lass, Lightning Lad, Lightning Lord, Timber Wolf
25 Years Ago:
DC COMICS PRSENTS #59 (7/1983)
"Ambush Bg II"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Antenna Boy, Chlorophyll Kid, Color Kid, Double-Header, Fire Lad, Infectious Lass, Polar Boy, Porcupine Pete, Stone Boy, Superman, Chief Zendak
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Elastic Lad
"Different Paths Different Dooms"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Blok, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Dream Girl, Element Lad, Gigi Cusimano, Karate Kid, Lightning Lad, Ontiir, Princess Projectra, Proty II, R.J. Brande, Saturn Girl, Shrinking Violet (Yera), Shvaughn Erin, Star Boy, Sun Boy, Supergirl, Timber Wolf, Ultra Boy
20 Years Ago:
INVASION #2 (7/1988)
"Battleground Earth"
ROLL CALL (L.E.G.I.O.N.): Garryn Bek, Lyrissa Mallor, R.J. Brande (Durlan), Stealth, Vril Dox
"A Time To Die"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Blok, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Duo Damsel, Element Lad, Magnetic Kid, Mon-El, Roon Dvron, Sensor Girl, Shvaughn Erin, Starfinger II, Tellus
WNANDERERS #2 (7/1988)
"...To Heavens of Everything"
ROLL CALL (Wanderers): Dartalon, Elvar, Ornithax, Psyche, Quantum Queen, Re-Animage
15 Years Ago:
L.E.G.I.O.N.'93 #55 (7/1993)
ROLL CALL (L.E.G.I.O.N.): Lady Quark, Lydea Mallor, Lyrissa Mallor, Phase, Strata
L.E.G.I.O.N.'93 #56 (7/1993)
"Bouncing Back"
ROLL CALL (L.E.G.I.O.N.): Garryn Bek, Masked Avenger (Garv), Strata
LEGIONNAIRES #4 (7/1993)
"If Looks Could Kill"
ROLL CALL (SW6): Alchemist, Andromeda, Catspaw, Cera Kesh/Emerald Empress II, Cosmic Boy, Ferro, Gossamer, Danielle Foccart/Computo, Inferno, Invisible Kid, Live Wire, Matter-Eater Lad, Mordecai, Saturn Girl, Ultra Boy
ROLL CALL (5-Year-Gap Legion): Chameleon Boy, Fatal 5, Mano, Persuader, Tharok
"New Members? New Problems!"
ROLL CALL (5-Year-Gap Legion): Blood Claw, Brainiac 5, Cosmic Boy, Dawnstar, Devlin O'Ryan, Dream Girl, Element Lad, Firefist, Flederweb, Infectious Lass, Invisible Kid II, Kono, Laurel Gand, Lightning Lass, Martian Manhunter, Matter-Eater Lad, Night Girl, Princess Projectra, Rond Vidar, Roxxas, Shrinking Violet, Spider Girl, Ultra Boy, Veilmist
VALOR #9 (7/1993)
"How to Win Friends and Influence People"
10 Years Ago:
GREEN LANTERN #100 (7/1993)
"In Brightest Days Past"
ROLL CALL (Earth-Zero Legion): Brainiac 5
LEGIONNAIRES #62 (7/1998)
"Dark Circle Rising! Part 1: Balance of Power"
ROLL CALL (Earth-Zero Legion): Andromeda, Brainiac 5.1, Chameleon Boy, Chuck Taine, Dr. Gym'll, Dyrk, Gates, Invisible Kid, Kinetix, Leland McCauley, LeVIathan, Lori Morning, M'Onel, Proty, R.J. Brande, Sensor, Spark, Umbra, XS
"Dark Circle Rising Part 2: High Crimes"
ROLL CALL (Earth-Zero Legion): Andromeda, Apparition, Brainiac 5.1, Cosmic Boy, Gates, Kono, M'Onel, R.J. Brande, Rond Vidar, Saturn Girl, Sensor, Spark, Triad, Ultra Boy, XS
SUPERBOY #53 (7/1998)
"Pearl Harbor 2"
No actual Legion appearances, but the Legion is mentioned and a Legion belt appears in a dream sequence.
5 Years Ago:
"Dream Crime Part 2"
ROLL CALL (Earth-Zero Legion): Apparition, Brainiac 5.1, Chameleon Boy, Cosmic Boy, Invisible Kid, Kid Quantum, LeVIathan, Live Wire, Monstress, R.J. Brande, Saturn Girl, Shikari, Spark, Tenzil Kem, Timber Wolf, Triad, Ultra Boy, Umbra, Universo, Wildfire
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Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Week of 30 July 2008
(SPOILER ALERT: This post contains spoilers. Don't read it before you've read the comics.)
ROLL CALL: Starman/Star Boy (Lightning Saga Legion)
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: Starman is mentioned in the main story; he also appears (smoking a pipe) in the JSA pinup at the end.
"The Fathers"
ROLL CALL: Cosmic King, Lightning Lord, Saturn Queen
BITS OF LSV BUSINESS: The terrible trio have a cameo in a double-page spread of Superman/Batman baddies.
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ROLL CALL: Starman/Star Boy (Lightning Saga Legion)
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: Starman is mentioned in the main story; he also appears (smoking a pipe) in the JSA pinup at the end.
"The Fathers"
ROLL CALL: Cosmic King, Lightning Lord, Saturn Queen
BITS OF LSV BUSINESS: The terrible trio have a cameo in a double-page spread of Superman/Batman baddies.
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Friday, July 25, 2008
Week of 23 July 2008
(SPOILER ALERT: This post contains spoilers. Don't read it before you've read the comic.)
"Enemy Rising Part 5: Operational Calculus"
ROLL CALL: Atom Girl, Brainiac 5, Chameleon, Colossal Boy, Element Lad, Invisible Kid, Light Lass, Lightning Lad, M'Rissey, Phantom Girl, Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass, Star Boy, Timber Wolf, Ultra Boy
Invisible Kid saves the team on Velmar V, the team on Rimbor struggles to save themselves, and M'Rissey saves everybody with his powers of super-organization. Meanwhile, a rogue planet appears in the Solar System, and suddenly the government needs the Legion.
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: The Rimbor team is in the city Ta Rshish and Ultra Boy swears "Holy Ni Neveh." Is everything on Rimbor named for oddly-syllabified cities of the ancient world? (Tarshish and Nineveh.)
Lyle and M'Rissey are looking particularly cute. These artists do cute little turned-up noses really well.
Ultra Boy has a secret admirer. I'll bet we haven't seen the last of her.
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"Enemy Rising Part 5: Operational Calculus"
ROLL CALL: Atom Girl, Brainiac 5, Chameleon, Colossal Boy, Element Lad, Invisible Kid, Light Lass, Lightning Lad, M'Rissey, Phantom Girl, Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass, Star Boy, Timber Wolf, Ultra Boy
Invisible Kid saves the team on Velmar V, the team on Rimbor struggles to save themselves, and M'Rissey saves everybody with his powers of super-organization. Meanwhile, a rogue planet appears in the Solar System, and suddenly the government needs the Legion.
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: The Rimbor team is in the city Ta Rshish and Ultra Boy swears "Holy Ni Neveh." Is everything on Rimbor named for oddly-syllabified cities of the ancient world? (Tarshish and Nineveh.)
Lyle and M'Rissey are looking particularly cute. These artists do cute little turned-up noses really well.
Ultra Boy has a secret admirer. I'll bet we haven't seen the last of her.
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Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Week of 16 July 2008
(SPOILER ALERT: This post contains spoilers. Don't read it before you've read the comic.)
DREAMWAR #4 (9/08)
ROLL CALL: Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Dream Girl, Invisible Kid (lyle), Light Lass, Phantom Girl, Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass, Star Boy, Timber Wolf, Triplicate Girl, Ultra Boy
The story begins to come clear: Everything that's been happening is the deranged dream of an unattractive, peevish nerd with a penchant for killing. But enough about Keith Giffen...there's also this guy named Chimera running around, and he's brought the LSH and other DC heroes to this world to kill off the Wildstorm heroes.
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: On the title page, the Legionnaires are attacking in formation, which in this case seems to be roughly reverse-alphabetical-order.
Also supposedly out this week, although my comic shop didn't have it:
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DREAMWAR #4 (9/08)
ROLL CALL: Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Dream Girl, Invisible Kid (lyle), Light Lass, Phantom Girl, Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass, Star Boy, Timber Wolf, Triplicate Girl, Ultra Boy
The story begins to come clear: Everything that's been happening is the deranged dream of an unattractive, peevish nerd with a penchant for killing. But enough about Keith Giffen...there's also this guy named Chimera running around, and he's brought the LSH and other DC heroes to this world to kill off the Wildstorm heroes.
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: On the title page, the Legionnaires are attacking in formation, which in this case seems to be roughly reverse-alphabetical-order.
Also supposedly out this week, although my comic shop didn't have it:
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Week of 9 July 2008
(SPOILER ALERT: This post contains spoilers. Don't read it before you've read the comics.)
"The Untold Legend of Arm-Fall-Off Boy"
ROLL CALL: Arm-Fallp-Off Boy, Brainiac 5, Cosmic Boy, Phantom Girl
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: Arm-Fall-Off Boy has appeared before in previous Legion continuities, notably in SECRET ORIGINS #46 and LEGIONNAIRES #43.
BOOSTER GOLD #1,000,000 (9/85,271)
"Blue & Gold Conclusion: Holding Back the Years"
ROLL CALL: Brainiac 5 (cameo)
"Caretakers of Mars"
ROLL CALL: Starman/Star Boy (Lightning Saga Legion) (cameo)
Thom appears (from the neck down) at the funeral of J'onn J'onzz.
"One World, Under Gog Part II: Wish Fulfillment"
ROLL CALL: Starman/Star Boy (Lightning Saga Legion)
Gog gives Thom his sanity back. But Thom says, "I'm thinking clearly, for the first time in quite a while. But, trust me, that's a bad thing." Personally, I like the rational Thom better.
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: Starman/Star Boy has spent the last few years out of his mind. Other Legionnaires have gone mad in the past: offhand, I can recall Brainiac 5 (several times), Lightning Lad, Matter-Eater Lad, and Mon-El. Who else can y'all think of?
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"The Untold Legend of Arm-Fall-Off Boy"
ROLL CALL: Arm-Fallp-Off Boy, Brainiac 5, Cosmic Boy, Phantom Girl
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: Arm-Fall-Off Boy has appeared before in previous Legion continuities, notably in SECRET ORIGINS #46 and LEGIONNAIRES #43.
BOOSTER GOLD #1,000,000 (9/85,271)
"Blue & Gold Conclusion: Holding Back the Years"
ROLL CALL: Brainiac 5 (cameo)
"Caretakers of Mars"
ROLL CALL: Starman/Star Boy (Lightning Saga Legion) (cameo)
Thom appears (from the neck down) at the funeral of J'onn J'onzz.
"One World, Under Gog Part II: Wish Fulfillment"
ROLL CALL: Starman/Star Boy (Lightning Saga Legion)
Gog gives Thom his sanity back. But Thom says, "I'm thinking clearly, for the first time in quite a while. But, trust me, that's a bad thing." Personally, I like the rational Thom better.
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: Starman/Star Boy has spent the last few years out of his mind. Other Legionnaires have gone mad in the past: offhand, I can recall Brainiac 5 (several times), Lightning Lad, Matter-Eater Lad, and Mon-El. Who else can y'all think of?
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Thursday, July 03, 2008
Week of 2 July 2008
(SPOILER ALERT: This post contains spoilers. Don't read it before you've read the comic.)
"Enemy Rising Part 4: The Leader Who Lost the Legion"
ROLL CALL: Atom Girl, Brainiac 5, Chameleon, Colossal Boy, Element Lad, Invisible Kid, Karate Kid, Light Lass, Lightning Lad, M'rissey, Phantom Girl, Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass, Star Boy, Timber Wolf, Triplicate Girl, Ultra Boy
By the end of this issue, the Legion's charter is revoked and warrants are issued for the arrest of all Legionnaires. Chased by the police, some Legionnaires hide in the sewers. And the question at the top of everyone's mind is: So where's Universo, already?
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: Four silhouettes in a glowing bubble appear to take Karate Kid and Triplicate Girl away on a mysterious mission. This might have something to do with Cosmic Boy and his new team from the future. However, it's Val and Luornu, the same Legionnaires who appeared (and died) in COUNTDOWN. So maybe all this has something to do with Infinite Crisis.
Phantom Girl has a collection of thousand-year-old comics. Or is she tending Cosmic Boy's collection? Either way, you'd think she would read next month's LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES to see how the story comes out. Maybe she's missing that issue?
I wish everybody would stop pickin' on Lyle.
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"Enemy Rising Part 4: The Leader Who Lost the Legion"
ROLL CALL: Atom Girl, Brainiac 5, Chameleon, Colossal Boy, Element Lad, Invisible Kid, Karate Kid, Light Lass, Lightning Lad, M'rissey, Phantom Girl, Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass, Star Boy, Timber Wolf, Triplicate Girl, Ultra Boy
By the end of this issue, the Legion's charter is revoked and warrants are issued for the arrest of all Legionnaires. Chased by the police, some Legionnaires hide in the sewers. And the question at the top of everyone's mind is: So where's Universo, already?
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: Four silhouettes in a glowing bubble appear to take Karate Kid and Triplicate Girl away on a mysterious mission. This might have something to do with Cosmic Boy and his new team from the future. However, it's Val and Luornu, the same Legionnaires who appeared (and died) in COUNTDOWN. So maybe all this has something to do with Infinite Crisis.
Phantom Girl has a collection of thousand-year-old comics. Or is she tending Cosmic Boy's collection? Either way, you'd think she would read next month's LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES to see how the story comes out. Maybe she's missing that issue?
I wish everybody would stop pickin' on Lyle.
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Monday, June 30, 2008
June 2008 Retrospective
The Legion debuted in a comic cover-dated April 1958 (ADVENTURE 247). However, comics cover-dated June usually appear in stores during April. Sometimes DC celebrates the Legion’s anniversary in comics cover-dated April, sometimes in comics cover-dated June.
45 Years Ago:
ADVENTURE #309 (6/1963)
“The Legion of Super-Monsters”
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Brainiac 5, Bouncing Boy, Cosmic Boy, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Invisible Kid, Mon-El, Matter-Eater Lad, Sun Boy, Superboy, Saturn Girl, Shrinking Violet, Triplicate Girl, Ultra Boy
ADVENTURE #309 (6/1963)
“The Fake Superboy from Krypton”
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Brainiac 5
40 Years Ago:
ADVENTURE 369 (6/1968)
“Mordru the Merciless”
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Cosmic Boy, Mon-El, Mordru, Sun Boy, Superboy, Saturn Girl, Supergirl, Shadow Lass, Duo Damsel
SUPERBOY #147 (6/1968)
“Origin of the Legion”
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Brainiac 5, Cosmic Boy, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Element Lad, Invisible Kid, Lightning Lad, Light Lass, Mon-El, Phantom Girl, R.J. Brande, Sun Boy, Superboy, Saturn Girl, Supergirl, Shrinking Violet, Duo Damsel, Ultra Boy
This 80-page giant also reprinted the following stories:
“The Boy With Ultra-Powers” from SUPERBOY #98
“The Legion of Super-Traitors” from ADVENTURE #293
“Supergirl’s Three Super-Girl Friends” from ACTION #276
“The Secret of the Seventh Super-Hero” from ADVENTURE #290
“The Legion of Super-Villains” from SUPERMAN #147
SUPERBOY #148 (6/1968)
“Superboy’s Greatest Gamble”
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Polar Boy
JIMMY OLSEN #111 (6/1968)
“Elastic Lad’s Wrestling Match”
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Elastic Lad
It wasn’t until the Legion’s tenth anniversary that the group’s origin story was told, in the SUPERBOY 80-page giant. SUPERBOY #147 was obviously issued to coincide with the anniversary, although nothing was made of it at the time.
Although the Jimmy Olsen story was a reprint from JIMMY OLSEN 54, the story had four additional pages.
35 Years Ago:
SUPERBOY #195 (6/1973)
“The One-Shot Hero”
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Bouncing Boy, Chemical King, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Mon-El, Phantom Girl, Princess Projectra, Shrinking Violet, Wildfire (as ERG-1)
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: This introduced Drake Burroughs (ERG-1/Wildfire), gave his origin, and featured his “death.”
30 Years Ago:
“The Man Who Manacled the Legion”
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Cosmic Boy, Colossal Boy, Phantom Girl, Sun Boy, Superboy, Timber Wolf, Grimbor
KARATE KID #14 (6/1978)
“Diamondeth is Forever”
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Karate Kid
25 Years Ago:
LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES [1980] #300 (6/1983)
“The Future is Forever”
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Chemical King, Color Kid, Colossal Boy, Cosmic Boy, Dawnstar, Dream Girl, Duo Damsel, Element Lad, Fire Lad, Invisible Kid II, Karate Kid, Light Lass, Lightning Lad, Matter-Eater Lad, Night Girl, Phantom Girl, Polar Boy, Saturn Girl, Shrinking Violet (Yera), Star Boy, Stone Boy, Sun Boy, Superboy, Supergirl, Timber Wolf, Tyroc, Ultra Boy, Wildfire, Circadia Senius, Insect Queen, Pete Ross, R.J. Brande, Rond Vidar, Cosmic King, Emerald Empress, Fatal 5, Lightning Lord, Mano, Mordru, Persuader, Saturn Queen, Tharok, Validus, more
A grand celebration of the Legion’s 25th anniversary. As part of the framing story, the Legionnaires gather for an unspecified ceremony celebrating the Legion.
20 Years Ago:
LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES [1984] #47 (6/1988)
“Conspiracy Theory”
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Dawnstar, Dream Girl, Duo Damsel, Invisible Kid II, Lamprey, Lightning Lass, Magnetic Kid, Mon-El, Nightwind, Phantom Girl, Polar Boy, Quislet, Sensor Girl, Shadow Kid, Shadow Lass, Shrinking Violet, Shvaughn Erin, Starfinger II, Sun Boy, Timber Wolf, Tellus, Ultra Boy, White Witch, Wildfire, Year
INVASION #1 (6/1988)
“Alien Alliance”
ROLL CALL (L.E.G.I.O.N.): Garryn Bek, Vril Dox
WANDERERS #1 (6/1988)
“From Graves of Nothing…”
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Bouncing Boy, Element Lad, Karate Kid, Mon-El, Sun Boy, Ultra Boy, Dartalon, Elvar, Re-Animage, Ornithax, Psyche, Quantum Queen
On the Legion’s 30th anniversary, the group briefly became the stillpoint around which the whole DC Universe revolved. The big summer crossover series, INVASION, was firmly based in the Legion mythos. Set in the 20th Century, INVASION involved many of planets and alien races that first appeared in tales of the Legion: Coluans, Daxamites,
Dominators, Khunds, Talokians, etc. It also featured some ancestors of actual Legionnaires, Vril Dox among them. INVASION was also the launchpad for L.E.G.I.O.N.
At the same time, the Wanderers were spun off into their own title, and DC launched the 7-part WHO’S WHO IN THE LSH. It was a great time to be a Legion fan.
15 Years Ago:
L.E.G.I.O.N.’93 #53 (6/1993)
“Shadows of the Past”
ROLL CALL: Lady Quark, Lydea Mallor, Lyrissa Mallor, Phase, Strata, Telepath
L.E.G.I.O.N.’93 #54 (6/1993)
ROLL CALL: Garryn Bek, Lady Quark, Lydea Mallor, Phase, Strata, Vril Dox
LEGIONNAIRES #3 (6/1993)
“The Beast Below”
ROLL CALL (SW6 Legion): Andromeda, Brainiac 5, Cosmic Boy, Dragonmage, Gossamer, Invisible Kid, Inferno, Leviathan, Live Wire, Shrinking Violet, Saturn Girl, Cera Kesh/Emerald Empress II, Mordecai, Persuader
ROLL CALL (5-Year-Gap Legion): Chameleon Boy
LEGION OF SUPER_HEROES [1989] #44 (6/1993)
“Projectra Returns”
ROLL CALL (5-Year-Gap Legion): Ayla (Lightning Lass), Blood Claw, Brainiac 5, Celeste Rockfish, Devlin O'Ryan, Drura (Infectious Lass), Firefist, Flederweb, Garth (Lightning Lad), Jacques (Invisible Kid II), Jo (Ultra Boy), Kent Shakespeare, Kono, Laurel Gand, Lydda (Night Girl), Martian Manhunter, Mordru, Nura (White Witch), Rokk (Cosmic Boy), Princess Projectra, Roxxas, Sussa (Spider Girl), Tenzil (Matter-Eater Lad), Veilmist
VALOR #8 (6/1993)
“Red Alert”
10 Years Ago:
LEGIONNAIRES #61 (6/1998)
"If I Could Turn Back Time..."
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Cosmic Boy, Dream Girl, Duo Damsel, Element Lad, Invisible Kid, Light Lass, Lightning Lad, Matter-Eater Lad, Mon-El, Phantom Girl, Princess Projectra, Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass, Shrinking Violet, Star Boy, Sun Boy, Superboy, Supergirl, Timber Wolf, Ultra Boy, Wildfire
ROLL CALL (Earth-Zero Legion): Cosmic Boy (cameo), Ferro, Gates, Inferno (cameo), Kid Quantum, Kinetix, Lori Morning, Monstress, Rond Vidar, Saturn Girl (cameo), Spark (cameo), Triad (cameo), Ultra Boy (cameo), XS
"Time Won't Let Me"
ROLL CALL: Multiple versions of just about every Legionnaire from every continuity
GREEN LANTERN [1990] #99
"Futureshock Part 2"
ROLL CALL (Earth-Zero Legion): Apparition, Brainiac 5, Cosmic Boy, Ferro, Invisible Kid, LeVIathan, Live Wire, Saturn Girl, Spark, Star Boy, Ultra Boy, XS
5 Years Ago:
THE LEGION #19 (6/2003)
"Dreamcrime: Part One"
ROLL CALL (Earth-Zero Legion): Apparition, Brainiac 5.1, Chameleon Boy, Dr. Gym'll, Dreamer, Kid Quantum, LeVIathan, Saturn Girl, Sensor, Shikari, Star Boy
"Century 23: Return of the Warrior"
ROLL CALL: Brainiac 5, Saturn Girl
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45 Years Ago:
ADVENTURE #309 (6/1963)
“The Legion of Super-Monsters”
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Brainiac 5, Bouncing Boy, Cosmic Boy, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Invisible Kid, Mon-El, Matter-Eater Lad, Sun Boy, Superboy, Saturn Girl, Shrinking Violet, Triplicate Girl, Ultra Boy
ADVENTURE #309 (6/1963)
“The Fake Superboy from Krypton”
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Brainiac 5
40 Years Ago:
ADVENTURE 369 (6/1968)
“Mordru the Merciless”
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Cosmic Boy, Mon-El, Mordru, Sun Boy, Superboy, Saturn Girl, Supergirl, Shadow Lass, Duo Damsel
SUPERBOY #147 (6/1968)
“Origin of the Legion”
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Brainiac 5, Cosmic Boy, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Element Lad, Invisible Kid, Lightning Lad, Light Lass, Mon-El, Phantom Girl, R.J. Brande, Sun Boy, Superboy, Saturn Girl, Supergirl, Shrinking Violet, Duo Damsel, Ultra Boy
This 80-page giant also reprinted the following stories:
“The Boy With Ultra-Powers” from SUPERBOY #98
“The Legion of Super-Traitors” from ADVENTURE #293
“Supergirl’s Three Super-Girl Friends” from ACTION #276
“The Secret of the Seventh Super-Hero” from ADVENTURE #290
“The Legion of Super-Villains” from SUPERMAN #147
SUPERBOY #148 (6/1968)
“Superboy’s Greatest Gamble”
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Polar Boy
JIMMY OLSEN #111 (6/1968)
“Elastic Lad’s Wrestling Match”
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Elastic Lad
It wasn’t until the Legion’s tenth anniversary that the group’s origin story was told, in the SUPERBOY 80-page giant. SUPERBOY #147 was obviously issued to coincide with the anniversary, although nothing was made of it at the time.
Although the Jimmy Olsen story was a reprint from JIMMY OLSEN 54, the story had four additional pages.
35 Years Ago:
SUPERBOY #195 (6/1973)
“The One-Shot Hero”
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Bouncing Boy, Chemical King, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Mon-El, Phantom Girl, Princess Projectra, Shrinking Violet, Wildfire (as ERG-1)
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: This introduced Drake Burroughs (ERG-1/Wildfire), gave his origin, and featured his “death.”
30 Years Ago:
“The Man Who Manacled the Legion”
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Cosmic Boy, Colossal Boy, Phantom Girl, Sun Boy, Superboy, Timber Wolf, Grimbor
KARATE KID #14 (6/1978)
“Diamondeth is Forever”
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Karate Kid
25 Years Ago:
LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES [1980] #300 (6/1983)
“The Future is Forever”
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Chemical King, Color Kid, Colossal Boy, Cosmic Boy, Dawnstar, Dream Girl, Duo Damsel, Element Lad, Fire Lad, Invisible Kid II, Karate Kid, Light Lass, Lightning Lad, Matter-Eater Lad, Night Girl, Phantom Girl, Polar Boy, Saturn Girl, Shrinking Violet (Yera), Star Boy, Stone Boy, Sun Boy, Superboy, Supergirl, Timber Wolf, Tyroc, Ultra Boy, Wildfire, Circadia Senius, Insect Queen, Pete Ross, R.J. Brande, Rond Vidar, Cosmic King, Emerald Empress, Fatal 5, Lightning Lord, Mano, Mordru, Persuader, Saturn Queen, Tharok, Validus, more
A grand celebration of the Legion’s 25th anniversary. As part of the framing story, the Legionnaires gather for an unspecified ceremony celebrating the Legion.
20 Years Ago:
LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES [1984] #47 (6/1988)
“Conspiracy Theory”
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Dawnstar, Dream Girl, Duo Damsel, Invisible Kid II, Lamprey, Lightning Lass, Magnetic Kid, Mon-El, Nightwind, Phantom Girl, Polar Boy, Quislet, Sensor Girl, Shadow Kid, Shadow Lass, Shrinking Violet, Shvaughn Erin, Starfinger II, Sun Boy, Timber Wolf, Tellus, Ultra Boy, White Witch, Wildfire, Year
INVASION #1 (6/1988)
“Alien Alliance”
ROLL CALL (L.E.G.I.O.N.): Garryn Bek, Vril Dox
WANDERERS #1 (6/1988)
“From Graves of Nothing…”
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Bouncing Boy, Element Lad, Karate Kid, Mon-El, Sun Boy, Ultra Boy, Dartalon, Elvar, Re-Animage, Ornithax, Psyche, Quantum Queen
On the Legion’s 30th anniversary, the group briefly became the stillpoint around which the whole DC Universe revolved. The big summer crossover series, INVASION, was firmly based in the Legion mythos. Set in the 20th Century, INVASION involved many of planets and alien races that first appeared in tales of the Legion: Coluans, Daxamites,
Dominators, Khunds, Talokians, etc. It also featured some ancestors of actual Legionnaires, Vril Dox among them. INVASION was also the launchpad for L.E.G.I.O.N.
At the same time, the Wanderers were spun off into their own title, and DC launched the 7-part WHO’S WHO IN THE LSH. It was a great time to be a Legion fan.
15 Years Ago:
L.E.G.I.O.N.’93 #53 (6/1993)
“Shadows of the Past”
ROLL CALL: Lady Quark, Lydea Mallor, Lyrissa Mallor, Phase, Strata, Telepath
L.E.G.I.O.N.’93 #54 (6/1993)
ROLL CALL: Garryn Bek, Lady Quark, Lydea Mallor, Phase, Strata, Vril Dox
LEGIONNAIRES #3 (6/1993)
“The Beast Below”
ROLL CALL (SW6 Legion): Andromeda, Brainiac 5, Cosmic Boy, Dragonmage, Gossamer, Invisible Kid, Inferno, Leviathan, Live Wire, Shrinking Violet, Saturn Girl, Cera Kesh/Emerald Empress II, Mordecai, Persuader
ROLL CALL (5-Year-Gap Legion): Chameleon Boy
LEGION OF SUPER_HEROES [1989] #44 (6/1993)
“Projectra Returns”
ROLL CALL (5-Year-Gap Legion): Ayla (Lightning Lass), Blood Claw, Brainiac 5, Celeste Rockfish, Devlin O'Ryan, Drura (Infectious Lass), Firefist, Flederweb, Garth (Lightning Lad), Jacques (Invisible Kid II), Jo (Ultra Boy), Kent Shakespeare, Kono, Laurel Gand, Lydda (Night Girl), Martian Manhunter, Mordru, Nura (White Witch), Rokk (Cosmic Boy), Princess Projectra, Roxxas, Sussa (Spider Girl), Tenzil (Matter-Eater Lad), Veilmist
VALOR #8 (6/1993)
“Red Alert”
10 Years Ago:
LEGIONNAIRES #61 (6/1998)
"If I Could Turn Back Time..."
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Cosmic Boy, Dream Girl, Duo Damsel, Element Lad, Invisible Kid, Light Lass, Lightning Lad, Matter-Eater Lad, Mon-El, Phantom Girl, Princess Projectra, Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass, Shrinking Violet, Star Boy, Sun Boy, Superboy, Supergirl, Timber Wolf, Ultra Boy, Wildfire
ROLL CALL (Earth-Zero Legion): Cosmic Boy (cameo), Ferro, Gates, Inferno (cameo), Kid Quantum, Kinetix, Lori Morning, Monstress, Rond Vidar, Saturn Girl (cameo), Spark (cameo), Triad (cameo), Ultra Boy (cameo), XS
"Time Won't Let Me"
ROLL CALL: Multiple versions of just about every Legionnaire from every continuity
GREEN LANTERN [1990] #99
"Futureshock Part 2"
ROLL CALL (Earth-Zero Legion): Apparition, Brainiac 5, Cosmic Boy, Ferro, Invisible Kid, LeVIathan, Live Wire, Saturn Girl, Spark, Star Boy, Ultra Boy, XS
5 Years Ago:
THE LEGION #19 (6/2003)
"Dreamcrime: Part One"
ROLL CALL (Earth-Zero Legion): Apparition, Brainiac 5.1, Chameleon Boy, Dr. Gym'll, Dreamer, Kid Quantum, LeVIathan, Saturn Girl, Sensor, Shikari, Star Boy
"Century 23: Return of the Warrior"
ROLL CALL: Brainiac 5, Saturn Girl
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Week of 25 June 2008
I didn't see any comics with Legion content this week.
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Saturday, June 21, 2008
Week of 18 June 2008
(SPOILER ALERT: This post contains spoilers. Don't read it before you've read the comic.)
DREAMWAR #3 (8/08)
ROLL CALL: Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Cosmic Boy, Element Lad, Invisible Kid, Light Lass, Lightning Lad, Phantom Girl, Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass, Star Boy, Sun Boy, Timber Wolf, Triplicate Girl, Ultra Boy
Element Lad is killed, and Sun Boy's fate is unknown. Meanwhile, Triplicate Girl makes reference to "Chimera Lad," who seems to be in charge; at Chimera's order, DC heroes are killing people left and right, while suffering their own casualties.
Okay, it's issue 3 of a 6-issue series, and I still don't have a clue what's going on. Since this series was written by Keith Giffen, I am not at all surprsed.
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DREAMWAR #3 (8/08)
ROLL CALL: Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Cosmic Boy, Element Lad, Invisible Kid, Light Lass, Lightning Lad, Phantom Girl, Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass, Star Boy, Sun Boy, Timber Wolf, Triplicate Girl, Ultra Boy
Element Lad is killed, and Sun Boy's fate is unknown. Meanwhile, Triplicate Girl makes reference to "Chimera Lad," who seems to be in charge; at Chimera's order, DC heroes are killing people left and right, while suffering their own casualties.
Okay, it's issue 3 of a 6-issue series, and I still don't have a clue what's going on. Since this series was written by Keith Giffen, I am not at all surprsed.
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Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Week of 11 June 2008
(SPOILER ALERT: This post contains spoilers. Don't read it before you've read the comics.)
BOOSTER GOLD #10 (8/08)
"Blue & Gold Chapter 5: Mindgames"
ROLL CALL: Brainiac 5 (Classic Legion)
This is complicated. Time travel stories are like that. Trust me.
Rip Hunter and two friends appear in Brainiac 5's lab in (apparently) the "new" LSH Headquarters (from ADVENTURE 367). In an attempt to repair the time stream by reinstating Booster Gold's origin, they knock Brainy out and steal a time bubble and flight ring.
Booster Gold, as usual, wears a Legion flight ring throughout the story.
"In a Flash"
ROLL CALL: Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5, Lightning Lad (cover only), Phantom Girl (cover only), Saturn Girl (cover only), Timber Wolf (cover only), Tharok, Triplicate Girl
Chuck and Luornu, on a date in virtual reality, call in Brainiac 5 to assist Bart Allen in defeating Tharok.
ACTION #851 ((8/07)
"Last Son Part Four"
ROLL CALL: Dev-Em, Mon-El
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: In the Phantom Zone, Mon-El explains his background to Superman, who has clearly forgotten him, Then, when Superman does remember and tries to bluff Mon-El ("Oh, yeah, I promised you that I'd find a cure for your lead poisoning, but...uh...every time I've tried I've failed...yeah, tried and failed, that's the ticket...sorry, it's been a busy twenty years, but we'll have you out of here before the next millennium...or maybe soon after..."), Mon is really, really nice about it. He even risks his life to save Supes from Dev-Em.
This time around, Dev-Em was a Kryptonian criminal sentenced to the Phantom Zone for "cimes of murder and perversion." From the looks of it, he was guilty of severe fashion crimes, as well. As of yet, he has no connection to the Legion. (In original continuity, Dev-Em was a Kryptonian juvenile delinquent who escaped the destruction of the planet and later appeared in Smallville to make Superboy's life miserable. He later traveled to the 30th century, reformed, and became a spy for the UP. He's one of the few people to have turned down Legion membership.
Later on, Dev-Em was retconned several times, and eventually became a renegade Daxamite who fought with Superman and was responsible for blowing up the moon. Guess Ol-Vir was busy that day.
It's possible that Dev-Em has had the most drastic series of retcons in Legion history.
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BOOSTER GOLD #10 (8/08)
"Blue & Gold Chapter 5: Mindgames"
ROLL CALL: Brainiac 5 (Classic Legion)
This is complicated. Time travel stories are like that. Trust me.
Rip Hunter and two friends appear in Brainiac 5's lab in (apparently) the "new" LSH Headquarters (from ADVENTURE 367). In an attempt to repair the time stream by reinstating Booster Gold's origin, they knock Brainy out and steal a time bubble and flight ring.
Booster Gold, as usual, wears a Legion flight ring throughout the story.
"In a Flash"
ROLL CALL: Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5, Lightning Lad (cover only), Phantom Girl (cover only), Saturn Girl (cover only), Timber Wolf (cover only), Tharok, Triplicate Girl
Chuck and Luornu, on a date in virtual reality, call in Brainiac 5 to assist Bart Allen in defeating Tharok.
ACTION #851 ((8/07)
"Last Son Part Four"
ROLL CALL: Dev-Em, Mon-El
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: In the Phantom Zone, Mon-El explains his background to Superman, who has clearly forgotten him, Then, when Superman does remember and tries to bluff Mon-El ("Oh, yeah, I promised you that I'd find a cure for your lead poisoning, but...uh...every time I've tried I've failed...yeah, tried and failed, that's the ticket...sorry, it's been a busy twenty years, but we'll have you out of here before the next millennium...or maybe soon after..."), Mon is really, really nice about it. He even risks his life to save Supes from Dev-Em.
This time around, Dev-Em was a Kryptonian criminal sentenced to the Phantom Zone for "cimes of murder and perversion." From the looks of it, he was guilty of severe fashion crimes, as well. As of yet, he has no connection to the Legion. (In original continuity, Dev-Em was a Kryptonian juvenile delinquent who escaped the destruction of the planet and later appeared in Smallville to make Superboy's life miserable. He later traveled to the 30th century, reformed, and became a spy for the UP. He's one of the few people to have turned down Legion membership.
Later on, Dev-Em was retconned several times, and eventually became a renegade Daxamite who fought with Superman and was responsible for blowing up the moon. Guess Ol-Vir was busy that day.
It's possible that Dev-Em has had the most drastic series of retcons in Legion history.
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Saturday, June 07, 2008
Week of 4 June 2008
(SPOILER ALERT: This post contains spoilers. Don't read it before you've read the comics.)
"One World Under Gog Part 1: He Came, and Salvation With Him"
ROLL CALL: Starman/Star Boy (Lightning Saga Legion) (cover only)
Starman/Star Boy appears on the cover of this issue (at least, most of him does), but not in the comic itself.
LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES: 1,050 Years of the Future TPB
June 2008
Contains the following stories and features:
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: If this collection can be said to have a theme, I think that theme is "Death and Change." (Okay, two themes.)
Death: There's the death of Lightning Lad and Proty, the deaths of several Legionnaires in "The Adult Legion," more deaths than I care to count in "The Future is Forever," Garth's (believed) death in "Legion World," and the one that dominates both "The Adult Legion" and "The Future is Forever," the death of Ferro Lad.
Change: Lightning lad dies and is reborn, the Legionnaires grow up, Matter-Eater Lad leaves to go into politics, whole possible futures come and go, the Legion is rebooted, they get their own world....
Paul Levitz put his finger on it in his introduction: "...the ingredient that made the series unique among comics of the time: the possibility of real, and even tragic, change in the status quo. Characters could die, be reborn, even crippled, love, marry or separate...storytelling tools that wouldn't be used widely in American comics until two decades later."
After fifty years, we know that the one constant in the Legion is change. And that's why I have hope that the Legion will still be around (in one form or another) in another fifty years. The Legion changes with changing times, so it is always able to adapt.
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"One World Under Gog Part 1: He Came, and Salvation With Him"
ROLL CALL: Starman/Star Boy (Lightning Saga Legion) (cover only)
Starman/Star Boy appears on the cover of this issue (at least, most of him does), but not in the comic itself.
LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES: 1,050 Years of the Future TPB
June 2008
Contains the following stories and features:
- Introduction by Paul Levitz (new)
- "The Legion of Super-Heroes" reprinted from ADVENTURE 247 (with cover)
- "The Stolen Super-Powers" reprinted from ADVENTURE 304
- "The Super-Sacrifice of the Legionnaires" reprinted from ADVENTURE 312 (with cover)
- Text page by Jim Shooter (new)
- "The Adult Legion" reprinted from ADVENTURE 354 (with thumbnail cover)
- "War of the Legions" reprinted from ADVENTURE 355 (with thumbnail cover)
- Cover picture from LIMITED COLLECTOR'S EDITION C-49
- "The Legion's Home Base" reprinted from LIMITED COLLECTOR'S EDITION C-49
- "Last Fight for a Legionnaire" reprinted from SUPERBOY 212 (with cover)
- Cover picture from ALL-NEW COLLECTOR'S EDITION C-55
- "The Origins & Powers of the Legionnaires" reprinted from ALL-NEW COLLECTOR'S EDITION C-55
- "The Future is Forever" reprinted from LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES #300 (with cover)
- "The Legion Constitution" adapted from WHO'S WHO IN THE LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES 2-6
- "Zero Hour and the Legion of Super-Heroes" by Mark Waid (new)
- "Time and Chance" reprinted from LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES 0 (with thumbnail cover)
- Cover picture from LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES 80
- "Bedtime Story" reprinted from LEGENDS OF THE DC UNIVERSE 80-PAGE GIANT
- Cover picture from THE LEGION 3
- "Legion World" reprinted from THE LEGION 3
- "Third Time's the Charm?" text page (new)
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: If this collection can be said to have a theme, I think that theme is "Death and Change." (Okay, two themes.)
Death: There's the death of Lightning Lad and Proty, the deaths of several Legionnaires in "The Adult Legion," more deaths than I care to count in "The Future is Forever," Garth's (believed) death in "Legion World," and the one that dominates both "The Adult Legion" and "The Future is Forever," the death of Ferro Lad.
Change: Lightning lad dies and is reborn, the Legionnaires grow up, Matter-Eater Lad leaves to go into politics, whole possible futures come and go, the Legion is rebooted, they get their own world....
Paul Levitz put his finger on it in his introduction: "...the ingredient that made the series unique among comics of the time: the possibility of real, and even tragic, change in the status quo. Characters could die, be reborn, even crippled, love, marry or separate...storytelling tools that wouldn't be used widely in American comics until two decades later."
After fifty years, we know that the one constant in the Legion is change. And that's why I have hope that the Legion will still be around (in one form or another) in another fifty years. The Legion changes with changing times, so it is always able to adapt.
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Friday, May 30, 2008
May 2008 Retrospective
45 Years Ago:
ADVENTURE #308 (5/1963)
"The Return of Lightning Lad"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Bouncing Boy, Cosmic Boy, Chameleon Boy, Lightning Lad, Lightning Lass , Mon-El, Sun Boy, Superboy, Saturn Girl, Supergirl, Shrinking Violet, Triplicate Girl, Proty
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: Lightning Lass joined the LSH in this story.
The origins of Lightning Lad and Lightning Lass, as well as that of Proty, were told in this story.
40 Years Ago:
ADVENTURE #368 (5/1968)
"Mutiny of the Super-Heroines"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Brainiac 5, Dream Girl, Invisible Kid, Karate Kid, Lightning Lad, Light Lass, Phantom Girl, Princess Projectra, Superboy, Saturn Girl, Supergirl, Shadow Lass, Star Boy, Shrinking Violet, Duo Damsel, Ultra Boy
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: This was the second time the war between the sexes was featured in the Legion; the first time was "Revolt of the Girl Legionnaires" in ADVENTURE #326 (11/1964).
35 Years Ago:
There were no LSH appearances cover-dated 5/1973.
30 Years Ago:
"Murder Most Foul"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Cosmic Boy, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Dawnstar, Mon-El, Phantom Girl, Sun Boy, Superboy, Shadow Lass, Star Boy, Timber Wolf, Ultra Boy, Wildfire, Marla
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: This story had everything: great art, a fine plot, a Legionnaire supposedly gone renegade (Ultra Boy), Chameleon Boy channeling Batman's detective abilities, and a good sense of LSH history.
25 Years Ago:
LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES [1980] #299 (5/1983)
"Not a Ghost of a Chance"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Blok, Cosmic Boy, Dawnstar, Dev-Em, Dream Girl, Duplicate Boy, Element Lad, Evolvo Lad, Gas Girl, Invisible Kid, Invisible Kid II, Life Lass, Lightning Lad, Mon-El, Ontiir, Princess Projectra, Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass, Shvaughn Erin, Star Boy, Sun Boy, Timber Wolf, White Witch, Wildfire
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: Lyle Norg returned in this issue...or did he?
20 Years Ago:
LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES [1984] #46 (5/1988)
"On the Fourth Hand"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Atmos, Blok, Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Dawnstar, Duo Damsel, Element Lad, Magnetic Kid, Mon-El, Phantom Girl, Polar Boy, Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass, Shrinking Violet, Sun Boy, Tellus, Timber Wolf, Ultra Boy
15 Years Ago:
L.E.G.I.O.N.'93 #52 (5/1993)
"Past Imperfect":
ROLL CALL: Garryn Bek, Lady Quark, Lobo, Lydea Mallor, Phase, Stealth, Strata, Vril Dox
LEGIONNAIRES #2 (5/1993)
"In Death's Grip"
ROLL CALL (SW6 Legion): Alchemist, Apparition, Brainiac 5, Computo, Dragonmage, Ferro, Gossamer, Inferno, Invisible Kid, Leviathan, Live Wire, Matter-Eater Lad, Saturn Girl, Shrinking Violet, Triad, Ultra Boy
ROLL CALL (5-Tear-Gap Legion): Chameleon Boy, Shvaughn Erin
ROLL CALL (Applicants): Arm-Fall-Off Boy, Cera Kesh/Emerald Empress II, Plaid Lad, X-Bomb Betty
LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES [1989] #43 (5/1993)
"The Witch is Back"
ROLL CALL (5-Year-Gap Legion): Brainiac 5, Rokk (Cosmic Boy), Devlin O'Ryan, Drura (Infectious Lass), Jacques (Invisible Kid II), Jo (Ultra Boy), Kono, Mordru, Mysa (White Witch), Sussa (Spider-Girl)
VALOR #7 (5/1993)
"Unimaginable Consequences"
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: "In Death's Grip" featured two of the silliest Legion applicants ever: Arm-Fall-Off Boy and Plaid Lad.
10 Years Ago:
GREEN LANTERN [1990] #98 (5/1998)
"Future Shock Part 1"
ROLL CALL (Earth-Zero Legion): Apparition, Cosmic Boy, Ferro, Invisible Kid, LeVIathan, Live Wire, Saturn Girl, Spark, Star Boy, Triad, Ultra Boy, XS
ROLL CALL (Earth-Zero Legion): Atmos, Chuck Taine, Insect Queen, Kid Quantum, Spark, Star Boy, Ultra Boy, Umbra
LEGIONNAIRES #60 (5/1998)
ROLL CALL (Earth-Zero Legion): Andromeda, Apparition, Brainiac 5, Chameleon, Evolvo, Ferro, Gates, Invisible Kid, Karate Kid, Kid Quantum, Kinetix, Live Wire, Lori Morning, M'Onel, Monstress, Proty, Saturn Girl, Sensor, Shvaughn Erin, Spark, Spider-Girl, Star Boy, Triad, Ultra Boy, Umbra
LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES [1989] #104 (5/1998)
"Heroes' Return"
ROLL CALL (Earth-Zero Legion): Andromeda, Apparition, Brainiac 5.1, Chameleon Boy, Cosmic Boy, Element Lad, Evolvo, Gates, Kinetix, Live Wire, M'Onel, Spark, Ultra Boy, Umbra, XS
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Brainiac 5, Cosmic Boy, Light Lass, Lightning Lad
5 Years Ago:
THE LEGION #18 (5/2003)
"Revival of the Fittest Part 2"
ROLL CALL (Earth-Zero Legion): Apparition, Atmos, Brainiac 5.1, Chameleon Boy, Chuck Taine, Cosmic Boy, Dr. Gym'll, Gates, Geart, Insect Queen, Invisible Kid, Kid Quantum, Kinetix, LeVIathan, M'Onel, Sensor, Shikari, Spark, Star Boy, Timber Wolf, Triad, Ultra Boy, Wildfire, XS
"Century 22: Out of the Ashes"
ROLL CALL: No LSH appearances in this issue, but the series had a Legion connection.
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ADVENTURE #308 (5/1963)
"The Return of Lightning Lad"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Bouncing Boy, Cosmic Boy, Chameleon Boy, Lightning Lad, Lightning Lass , Mon-El, Sun Boy, Superboy, Saturn Girl, Supergirl, Shrinking Violet, Triplicate Girl, Proty
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: Lightning Lass joined the LSH in this story.
The origins of Lightning Lad and Lightning Lass, as well as that of Proty, were told in this story.
40 Years Ago:
ADVENTURE #368 (5/1968)
"Mutiny of the Super-Heroines"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Brainiac 5, Dream Girl, Invisible Kid, Karate Kid, Lightning Lad, Light Lass, Phantom Girl, Princess Projectra, Superboy, Saturn Girl, Supergirl, Shadow Lass, Star Boy, Shrinking Violet, Duo Damsel, Ultra Boy
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: This was the second time the war between the sexes was featured in the Legion; the first time was "Revolt of the Girl Legionnaires" in ADVENTURE #326 (11/1964).
35 Years Ago:
There were no LSH appearances cover-dated 5/1973.
30 Years Ago:
"Murder Most Foul"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Cosmic Boy, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Dawnstar, Mon-El, Phantom Girl, Sun Boy, Superboy, Shadow Lass, Star Boy, Timber Wolf, Ultra Boy, Wildfire, Marla
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: This story had everything: great art, a fine plot, a Legionnaire supposedly gone renegade (Ultra Boy), Chameleon Boy channeling Batman's detective abilities, and a good sense of LSH history.
25 Years Ago:
LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES [1980] #299 (5/1983)
"Not a Ghost of a Chance"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Blok, Cosmic Boy, Dawnstar, Dev-Em, Dream Girl, Duplicate Boy, Element Lad, Evolvo Lad, Gas Girl, Invisible Kid, Invisible Kid II, Life Lass, Lightning Lad, Mon-El, Ontiir, Princess Projectra, Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass, Shvaughn Erin, Star Boy, Sun Boy, Timber Wolf, White Witch, Wildfire
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: Lyle Norg returned in this issue...or did he?
20 Years Ago:
LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES [1984] #46 (5/1988)
"On the Fourth Hand"
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Atmos, Blok, Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Dawnstar, Duo Damsel, Element Lad, Magnetic Kid, Mon-El, Phantom Girl, Polar Boy, Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass, Shrinking Violet, Sun Boy, Tellus, Timber Wolf, Ultra Boy
15 Years Ago:
L.E.G.I.O.N.'93 #52 (5/1993)
"Past Imperfect":
ROLL CALL: Garryn Bek, Lady Quark, Lobo, Lydea Mallor, Phase, Stealth, Strata, Vril Dox
LEGIONNAIRES #2 (5/1993)
"In Death's Grip"
ROLL CALL (SW6 Legion): Alchemist, Apparition, Brainiac 5, Computo, Dragonmage, Ferro, Gossamer, Inferno, Invisible Kid, Leviathan, Live Wire, Matter-Eater Lad, Saturn Girl, Shrinking Violet, Triad, Ultra Boy
ROLL CALL (5-Tear-Gap Legion): Chameleon Boy, Shvaughn Erin
ROLL CALL (Applicants): Arm-Fall-Off Boy, Cera Kesh/Emerald Empress II, Plaid Lad, X-Bomb Betty
LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES [1989] #43 (5/1993)
"The Witch is Back"
ROLL CALL (5-Year-Gap Legion): Brainiac 5, Rokk (Cosmic Boy), Devlin O'Ryan, Drura (Infectious Lass), Jacques (Invisible Kid II), Jo (Ultra Boy), Kono, Mordru, Mysa (White Witch), Sussa (Spider-Girl)
VALOR #7 (5/1993)
"Unimaginable Consequences"
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: "In Death's Grip" featured two of the silliest Legion applicants ever: Arm-Fall-Off Boy and Plaid Lad.
10 Years Ago:
GREEN LANTERN [1990] #98 (5/1998)
"Future Shock Part 1"
ROLL CALL (Earth-Zero Legion): Apparition, Cosmic Boy, Ferro, Invisible Kid, LeVIathan, Live Wire, Saturn Girl, Spark, Star Boy, Triad, Ultra Boy, XS
ROLL CALL (Earth-Zero Legion): Atmos, Chuck Taine, Insect Queen, Kid Quantum, Spark, Star Boy, Ultra Boy, Umbra
LEGIONNAIRES #60 (5/1998)
ROLL CALL (Earth-Zero Legion): Andromeda, Apparition, Brainiac 5, Chameleon, Evolvo, Ferro, Gates, Invisible Kid, Karate Kid, Kid Quantum, Kinetix, Live Wire, Lori Morning, M'Onel, Monstress, Proty, Saturn Girl, Sensor, Shvaughn Erin, Spark, Spider-Girl, Star Boy, Triad, Ultra Boy, Umbra
LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES [1989] #104 (5/1998)
"Heroes' Return"
ROLL CALL (Earth-Zero Legion): Andromeda, Apparition, Brainiac 5.1, Chameleon Boy, Cosmic Boy, Element Lad, Evolvo, Gates, Kinetix, Live Wire, M'Onel, Spark, Ultra Boy, Umbra, XS
ROLL CALL (Classic Legion): Brainiac 5, Cosmic Boy, Light Lass, Lightning Lad
5 Years Ago:
THE LEGION #18 (5/2003)
"Revival of the Fittest Part 2"
ROLL CALL (Earth-Zero Legion): Apparition, Atmos, Brainiac 5.1, Chameleon Boy, Chuck Taine, Cosmic Boy, Dr. Gym'll, Gates, Geart, Insect Queen, Invisible Kid, Kid Quantum, Kinetix, LeVIathan, M'Onel, Sensor, Shikari, Spark, Star Boy, Timber Wolf, Triad, Ultra Boy, Wildfire, XS
"Century 22: Out of the Ashes"
ROLL CALL: No LSH appearances in this issue, but the series had a Legion connection.
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Week of 28 May 2008
(SPOILER ALERT: This post contains spoilers. Don't read it before you've read the comic.)
"Enemy Rising Part 3: Fear and Clothing"
ROLL CALL: Atom Girl, Brainiac 5, Chameleon, Colossal Boy, Invisible Kid, Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl, Star Boy, Ultra Boy
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: Although the Legion has visited Rimbor many times in the past, I believe this is the first time we learn the name of a city on that world ("Ta Rshish," possibly a version "Tarshish," a real-life city in the ancient world.
The alien enemies possess the ability to adapt a perfect defense to each Legionnaire's attacks. Collectively, if not individually, they are like a bunch of Nemesis Kids...but with the ability to adapt to multiple opponents. Looks like Triplicate Girl isn't going to be able to get the Legion out of this trouble.
There seems to be a "sleeping Beauty" thing going on with the Legion lately. In ACTION comics, a kiss awakened Sun Saturn Girl's kiss brings Ultra Boy back to full consciousness...I guess another Lyle/Brainy kiss is out of the question, eh?
On that front...Lyle seems to have a crush on Giselle, and his father's reaction is interesting: "It's about time you showed some serious interest in a girl!" (emphasis not added). Hmmm.
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"Enemy Rising Part 3: Fear and Clothing"
ROLL CALL: Atom Girl, Brainiac 5, Chameleon, Colossal Boy, Invisible Kid, Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl, Star Boy, Ultra Boy
BITS OF LEGIONNAIRE BUSINESS: Although the Legion has visited Rimbor many times in the past, I believe this is the first time we learn the name of a city on that world ("Ta Rshish," possibly a version "Tarshish," a real-life city in the ancient world.
The alien enemies possess the ability to adapt a perfect defense to each Legionnaire's attacks. Collectively, if not individually, they are like a bunch of Nemesis Kids...but with the ability to adapt to multiple opponents. Looks like Triplicate Girl isn't going to be able to get the Legion out of this trouble.
There seems to be a "sleeping Beauty" thing going on with the Legion lately. In ACTION comics, a kiss awakened Sun Saturn Girl's kiss brings Ultra Boy back to full consciousness...I guess another Lyle/Brainy kiss is out of the question, eh?
On that front...Lyle seems to have a crush on Giselle, and his father's reaction is interesting: "It's about time you showed some serious interest in a girl!" (emphasis not added). Hmmm.
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