I tried.
Memo to DC: You could've sold me a copy of Ravagers #1, no matter how bad it is, if you'd only included a flashback to The
You know this. You sold me an issue of Super Friends with the Time Trapper in it. You sold me The Brave & the Bold #178 because it showed a freakin' Legion cruiser. I bought an Aquaman comic because of one panel of someone who might have been Inferno. I once bought a Superboy comic because a character in a dream sequence wore a Legion belt. A belt, for Friv's sake!
You're willing to do every other crazy thing under the sun to sell comics...put Legionnaires in them. I'm stupid, I'll buy.
Other Interesting Stuff:
You might want to check out Image's new title America's Got Powers. Issue #2 came out this week. Super-powered teenagers, cute boys, a good story, an adorable main character who's trying to do his best is a hostile world, cute boys, very attractive art -- obviously, the influence of The Hunger Games has been good for comics. Between Morning Glories and this, comics with lots of suspense and plenty of cute boys are everywhere. Get-a-Life Boy approves.